long since i last post.
And now im posting, im bringing more than good news:
I've bought my hammies! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Omicron ♂

Iota ♀
Let's all welcome the second generation of royal hamsters, Iota and Omicron! *Applause*
So proud of them. ^^
Anyway, o lvl this year, and its June le, a few more months to the real thing and i've like, fail my mid years, so sad, so its time to work hard again. (I think im pretty slack so far) Cnt slack le if not die. That's why i got my Iota and Omicron. Hamsters bring me lotsa luck! ♥
So far so good, im leading a rather peace-d life. probably for the time being only.
I love the fact that June school, we do not need have the dreaded morning assembly. I hate those, such a waste of time. Now i wake at 7, instead of 6.30am. As the (crapped) saying goes: Even an extra minute of sleep makes a difference! Fuckyeahhhhh! ;D
Going for dinner with my sisterhood tmr. SO looking forward! ^^ I like it when the others instead of me makes an initiative and suggests going out. According to share, the prev saturday's meet is suggest by shea, tmr's is suggested by sherry. Love ya girls! ♥PenJiMiRuWen will always rock! ^^
So far for now, Cheeriooos~!