Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Time: 5:35 PM

Yst ive got this faint spell, it feels so much like my human self is in coma. I hate being human, its so weak. Can't wait to change into a Vampire. :D
Regardless, ate dinner with Muipeng at point. I woke up 6.30pm, called her and set off at 6.45, aft ive anyhow change and comb hair. I think i look like some sort of mess. after dinner, we went ntuc walk walk and buy some stuff. As always, everything epic always happen there. We suddenly bcom "aunties" and walking around the section where all the aunties are because Muipeng is still hungry.
We were as if we're on drugs, one moment, im laughing non stop, then when i finally could end that laughing fit, muipeng started laughing and we're just being crazy. :) Lifting some stress off o lvl year.
We are still laughing when muipeng said she saw one of her friend's mother, and she pointed to a crowd of people. the first auntie i saw looks like my mother's friend. So i waved. The auntie realised that i have seen her and for a moment, her eye balls seems to bulg out, and she turned away hastily, like she dun wan to let the rest of the world know that i noe her. Muipeng burst out in crazy maniac laughter, saying that an indian man responded to my wave and... and... i forgot what she said, i was too busy laughing. ;p crazy day.
When i finally bought my whipped cream, she bought some food and drinks, we went off to some nearby buildings to slack. Saw plenty of roaches. zomg! I shall call that place the roach arena now on. my hse nearby and around also dun have that much roaches and i rarely see them. Muipeng's only had lizards, which arent that scary.
Niwaes, back to the point. We were taking some photos. unglam ones.
I'll upload them here, but apparently i dont have the time. facebook, soon soon, :)
♥,Bless bless~

I'll take off soon. :)
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Time: 6:48 PM
Παρακαλώ περιμένετε...

I suppose its ok... :/
Can't wait for the break nx wk. Going Kbox with Muipeng and share, then soon after, we will bake, again! ^^ I love baking. The food may not always turn out to be nice but it will never fail to smell delicious! :)
And maybe in June, or even later, aft o lvls, Ice skating. Lemme guess, I'll go home with a sore butt. . . . or a flat nose if i fell from the front. *Gasps* should be careful. Vampires are suppose to have a good sense of balance. And Vampires are suppose to not need any sleep, so that they'd have more time to study. Hello? Any vampires out there? Change me change me. I need the time....
I don't know what to commend about time. I want it to pass fast because I wanna see my O level results, I wanna party, i wanna start breeding hamsters again. On the other hand, I wan time to take its own sweet time bcos i need all the available time in the world. esp now that suddenly my every subject seems to be deproving. (Except Amaths bcos im wholely concentrated to it for the past few months.) My Emaths gone to just pass only and im more than unhappy abt it. I hate careless mistakes. Gonna kill that part of the brain which causes carelessness.
Cheerios~ Although i done feel like it... wait. ITS WEDNESDAY! YES! CHEERIOS FOR REAL! ^^
Bless bless~
Date: Monday, March 7, 2011
Time: 10:53 PM
Update for since Friday. :)
Woke up for skool, wishing im sick so i can pon skool for a day, then sad when found out im still alive and well ( As usual)
Went to skool. Sleepy. As usual.
Aft skool, my mama brought me my camp bags. Thanks mama! ^^
Start camp: Zzzzzzzz
That night: Night duty: Zzzzzzzzzz i hate tying my hair into a bun, who set that stupid rule of tying buns! -,-
Slept only for less than two hours that night, so slept in the day when i get the chance. But sometimes when i get the chance, im no longer tired. Damn being human. Damn life.
That night: Bbq! Ends up my hair smells like Bbq. T.T but if not for that, its a good one. Oh, and ignore the kpop songs too. XD (Anti-kpop!)
Sunday yet felt like only the second day of camp, not bcos i enjoy it, but bcos i sleep and wake throughout the camp so much, im so used to waking up to the same day.
Break camp: JOY!! My mama promised she'd come and help take my damn bags home for me. so while waiting, helped to pack up, suddenly she called, i have to rush off. woops. :x
Went home, bathe, then dressed up, went to my mama cousin hse to bless her newborn baby, one month old. not cute de. :x ate lunch, went granma hse. Faint spells, went to sleep. stupid cousins, the boy ah! 5 years old. i wan sleep dun let me sleep. kip on putting a noisy toy near my ear. cnt see i wan sleep meh? wa lou eh. i scold him. then he act cool sae me scaredy cat. -,- but i can see he quite scared cos he walked away guiltily. :D
slept all the way til 7 plus, ate dinner. forgot to eat the vege and meat and im like, rice, soup, rice, soup. then left one last bite, i look up, OMG! forget eat the vege and meat. -,- sad life. this also can forget. went home, charge phone, unpack camp stuff halfway, faint spell came again. went to sleep. woke up two hours later, went to uncharge phone. played some songs while i slept. the next thing i noe, the nx morning alr. bloody omg.
so far, so good. i set my personal goal: not sleep during class. Woow! i suceeded! Well.. i think so...
Cant wait for the holidays. nx monday and tues, count tat out. i mean aft that mon and tue. Then two days of fun with my sisters b4 chionging study again. I wan FT!!!!! Share and muipeng, im going regardless you going anot. I'll ask my sis if you wont. XD

Oh yeah~