You put a smile onto my face. :)
He told me this: "Wow, you're so different from other girls. *Pauses* Well.. duh, everyone's different. ;)"
I'm currently trying to decide whether or not to get a couple of pudding hamsters.
They might come out helpful, as hamsters are the ones who used to give me all the motivation. On the other hand, I worry that they might come out like my naughty untamed gerbils. How how how?
Few of the mani hammy pics i found on tumblr.... (Chosen from my download list randomly)
Hamsters are sweet! ♥

I love my blogsong. :D
Found it yst while looking for something else on youtube. At first I think the song sucks, but I love the lyrics so i went to google the lyrics, and read it over and over again, and i was like, this must be good as a song! oh right. It IS a song. So i went back to youtube and listen to it, and i love it. :p
Although its from a long time ago, 2001. :/
Lullaby for a stormy night -Vienna Teng
Little child, be not afraid
Though thunder explodes and lightning flash
Illminates your tear-stained face
I am here tonight
And someday you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
On forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world you see
In the morning
Little child, be not afraid
The storm clouds masks your beloved moon
And its candlelight beams
still keep pleasant dreams
I am here tonight
Little child, be not afraid
The winds makes creatures of our trees
And the branches to hands
They're not real, understand
And I am here tonight
And someday you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
On forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world you see
In the morning
For you know,
Once even I was a little child
And I was afraid
But a gentle someone always came
To dry all my tears
Trade sweet sleep the fears
And to give a kiss goodnight
Well, now I am grown
And these days have shown
Rain's a part of how life goes
But it's dark and it's late
So I'll hold you and wait
'til your frightened eyes do close
And I hope that you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
On forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning
Everything's fine in the morning
The rain will be gone in the morning
But I'll still be here in the morning
I can't wait to grow up, make my own money, make my own choices, live in my own house, buy my own stuff, and then party with my friends like there's no tmr. Can't wait for the freedom, for the university, for my dream job!
O levels please don't shatter my dreams. I'll do what I can with my best to make my dreams come true. :)
Going to skool for two hours tmr. :/ Mum... I might as well don't. We spend... no. we waste a damn lot of time morning assemblying, singing and saying things that ppl just mindlessly memorise just to satisfy people who set the rule that everyone must do the common practises. -,-
Miss my gerbils? They're still doing just fine. Hope they can become less and less timid and daring to just run up onto people with initiative (instead of encouraging and still no movement).

Cuddled up in the dome that a fish shop uncle gave them. :) If you saw the real thing, i swear its sweet watching them. The effect is not in the pic. :/
Bless bless. :)
[Bye-bye in icelandic]
Back to believing. ^^ I'll be happier that way. Hope it comes true and I'm not making the wrong choice. 2012~
I was having this stupid day bcos of one bad news. and a few others after that which werent that bad aft the first bad news. but it still makes a bad day altogetther.
Then i rmbed tumblr. so and surf for a while. found this quote just cheered me up: If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them.
I'll not let it affect me. :)
(cmon girl, fours hours and less of no sleep is better than nth. :] )
And then i saw this which seems like such a nice day to live in...

Simple things yet made you happy, like its a perfect day and everything else is going your way and on your side. Simple things yet so hard to achieve.

So stop critising. Sometimes, i feel you're angry with me even though i didnt do anything to you. stop pms. I didnt offend you. Just leading my own life.
(Don't hurt me just bcos you know I don't like hurting others.)

Forgive me, I don't think I'll be well enough for the next three days either. Not ok for nx nx and nx nx nx, due to im too tired. D:
sry i tink i pms-ed at you. did i? :/ just, sry. didnt mean it. thks for letting me ramble stuff to you everytime. I'll try to work hard and not let you down, or my parents or myself. If not life would be worse than death then i cant bring myself to face anyone. :(
So mani things, so little time. (Quoted from Muipeng)
Can't wait to hang out with her. Cos hanging out with Muipeng never fails to cheer me up. ^^ tired also can become hyper (Except the end of days.)
gtg. idk whether i should continue stressing out about stuff or just let go and blindly follow the advice of someone from a dream.
or should i just get a couple of new white hamsters and then there's this 5050 chance that my life would be perfect again or my life would get busier. I can't decide on anything alr, lost here in this moment. I can get an MC but just didnt dare. Sometimes i wish i can just sleep and dream and sleep and dream cos at least i can re do it if it didnt turn out right... :'(
Use euthanasia on me? one of the good things abt being a vet nx time is i get to have the injection thing which i could use on myself if life gets too bad. ;) but my main priority is going to save animals of cos. ^^