This is simply JiaJi. Loving my Sisterhood forever. ^^ Someday, I'll be out there, leading a happy life, after all these hell. That is, if i even manage to survive. :D
Candy, Clover, Peach. Tell me, someday, we'll have kisses in lullabies.
What i want to tell you, this song covers everything. :)
I Hope You Find It- Miley Cyrus These clouds are going nowhere baby Rain keeps coming down I just thought I'd try to call you baby For you've gone too far out of town And I hope that you get this message that I'm leaving for you Cause I hate that you left without hearing the words that I needed you to
And I hope you find it What your looking for And I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be And so much more And I hope your happy Wherever you are I wanted you to know that nothings gonna change that And I hope you find it
Am I supposed to hang around and wait forever Last words that I said that was Nothing but a broken heart talking baby You know that wasn't what I meant Call me up Let me know that you got this message that I'm leaving for you Cause I hate that you left without hearing the words that I needed you to
And I hope you find it What your looking for And I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be And so much more And I hope your happy Wherever you are I wanted you to know that nothings gonna change that And I hope you find it
Whatever it is I know that you miss it here
And I hope you find it What your looking for And I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be And so much more And I hope your happy Wherever you are I wanted you to know that nothings gonna change that
No no no And I hope you find it I hope you find it
Date: Sunday, July 25, 2010
Time: 9:04 PM
We had a snapshot. Early morning woke 8am woken up by share's msg tat she cant go fotang wif us today. which also means, muipeng would probably come my hse study cos she sae fotang too far. means i can also sleep more. then me and her chat via sms all the way till 8.30 she suddenly sae, 'forget it, id go. mit at 9.30 ba.' then im like, ok shit, then i faster wake up go prepare le. :)
mit share at hp, then went ahead to muipeng hse look for her. which aft tat we went fotang tgt. :)
i did chinese and a very little bit of geog b4 going for lunch. and also planned sth too.
lunch, ate roti prata cos was a bit full. wa lou the sell roti prata person kip bullying me. ;) he was like, that one can use hand eat de, im like, dun wan la. but in the end i did cos the stupid triangle thing veri hard to use spoon eat. then even 'better', when im away, he told muipeng, 'your fren ah, one hour one tissue' wtfish! i first time eat rite? :D
aft tat lazy walk in the sun to go back fotang so we went a bit of exploring. omgosh the buildings there look like condo but are actually just HDB flat. omigosh we jealous! :) went back fotang at 2.30. lazy study so went to look around the lib. just realise fotang lib also got this ting call science encycopedias. (dunno how spell) then i went to take some National Geographic mag read. lol i like those maginzines out of all 'world stuff' maginzine. dunno why. then me and muipeng were like, omg so jeans got so much water inside one ah? then she tried squeezing some water out of her jeans. -,- hahas.
in the end i went back concentrate on my geog of cos. do halfway im like so serious le, the librarian come tell us lib closing down. -,- ok.
went hm with muipeng buy her foolscap and ice cream. feeling hungry so i buy snackers. her ice cream veri nice! ^^ im buying it nx time. :)
Random: Phototaking session. obviously, this one failed.
Muipeng holding a boat in her hands. :)
Date: Saturday, July 24, 2010
Time: 10:58 PM
Even if you said I was wrong Miss the picnics...
mani epic things happen today with muipeng, as usual, but fun. every usual time with muipeng is unusual de. all funny funny de. :)
and the best thing is, i made her use a kopitiam cup to drink ice milo! hahahas. she'd probably post tat cup pic in her blog. she take until really nice. i like~
and i didnt get to sleep overnight N2D! i told teacher i got tuition in the morning. and its really hundred percent true, ive got tuition at 8.30am. Alvin was like, change date la, i change a lot of times alr. :) no thanks, i like saturday tuitions.
but tuition at first, im full of the studying spirit go there for physics first. im sleepy in the end cos the class was like, so darn quiet and i had to use music to keep awake, but too loud a music makes me unable to concentrate at all. -,-
nx class, chinese, this is better. the teacher veri high but all her students look sian. see this scene make me feel like laughing. :) then my studying spirit comes back. then i very hardworking do the wksht. then suddenly teacher come and sae she wan mark the whatever ive done. then i pass to her. aft i do, then left three qn, then she come tell me time to go. oops. im like, three qn! she was like, nvm la, do as hw pass to me nx wk.
i went Muipeng hse study and do the hw also, no mood le la.... :( lolx. tmr studying with share and muipeng! bye!
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Time: 7:25 PM
Racial harmony day in skool. wore this malay costume that Ms Siti lend me. :x what a long skirt! damn hard to walk. Almost whole class wore costume and those indian ones got this cute cute sticker put on their forehead. :)
Aww I love Booboo.(as always. :])
Went home and sis showed me this flying lizard she caught on the way home. im like, hi lizzie, and she ask me for a box put lizzie inside. damn big de. during the transferring, im like, Argh!!! Noooo nooo nooo! argh! nooo!(moves off) getaway from me!! nooo!
after that went for cca. almost late. N2D i only contributed $2. :p N2D sucks! if youre gonna make me run, dun expect me give you large sum of money. xp cca nth to do, then i go join Alicia see her paint her dustbin. then im like, omg so wierd later other ppl see Sj member doing this they blurblur. hahas. and i first time hear Sheng cai sae loud, '你认识她咩?' -,- duh. if not why i sit here with her. hahas. then im like, 'Cousin' and he mouthed, 'Oh'.
Went back home and my sis wanna let lizzie go free le. so me and her go down and i bring the camera see lizzie fly. poor lizzie got thrown around. -,- but at least we didnt kill it. :D we help it 搬家!wa lizzie! you got new home le!
Randomness: Lets crop Share and Sherry here! ;D Drew hearts on fingernails. :) IloveBooboo!!
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Time: 9:55 PM
It's ' I don't care anymore. I love Booboo. :)'
He rocks! and one more thing i absolutely love him about: He's the reason i finally completely let go of my crush(sth ive been dying to do for months) Now this Booboo is in my heart. :) and im proud to say, He's My Boyfren! Muipeng, dun snatch! ^^ love him loads. ♥♥♥ He and mitchel, my two and only. :x unlike Muipeng, got four. Muahahaha!
We were just so right- Booboo Steward Welcome to the world, tonight You and I, tonight Under the moon, the stars, in the sky Stay if like a dream, come true Because I'm here with you 'Cause I'm here with you.
R: Just no you my baby, So please don't leave me, The one who makes me happy, You're the one who makes me happy. x2
And if this night, doesn't come again, We'll always be friends, And then the end, you're in my heart, Even on your way, when never apart.
R: Just no you my baby, So please don't leave me, The one who makes me happy, You're the one who makes me happy. x2
When that so much to need, Just fail till away, I need you right by my side, To get me through the day, With I saw blue, And smell so right You're beautiful you love We were just so right
R: Just no you my baby, So please don't leave me, The one who makes me happy, You're the one who makes me happy. Just no you my baby, So please don't leave me, The one who makes me happy, The one who makes me happy.
R: Just no you my baby, So please don't leave me, The one who makes me happy, You're the one who makes me happy. We were just so right....
Tags replied.
MuiPeng: Haha, So cool sia him. Know piano, guitar, stunts, magic tricks and blah blah blah. Wheee, Shuai! Reply: Duh ma! My boyfren leh.
MuiPeng: Haha, And today finding for tall ppl incident is seriously epic lahs. LADDER GUY, LOL : x Reply: Ya lo.. dunno whose fault... ;D
Cherie: That black and white pic of booboo is hot :D Reply: no. should say, everything is hot, esp the Black and white one! hahas. love him loads!!
Some things to remember: Booboo belongs to JiaJi. :D And Booboo rocks lots! ♥
Date: Monday, July 19, 2010
Time: 5:18 PM
I know, in your heart,
Just another day at skool. then assembly got this XGT thingy. my, they were loud!
And in the newspaper got this free movie ticket thingymajic, at first planned to go. then until now, im still deciding, and now confirm all sold out alr and i realise i had made the no-go choice. my free popcorn!!! :'(
and now some random pics........ Took this pic cos i love the sky. :)
Into the Swamp we go! ^^
Date: Sunday, July 18, 2010
Time: 10:56 PM
Coolest guy ever lived. One thing for sure, BooBoo's hot and is my absoulute boyfren. :) Everything that id ever want. :D super talented, super shuai, super cute! Love him for: 1) He's cute 2) He's shuai 3) He's hot 4) He's a Twilight Werewolf 5) He's talented 6) He can do lots of stunts 7) He can play the drums 8) and the guitar 9) and the piano 10) He can sing 11) He can dance 12) He's got a beautiful complextion 13) He's just my age! 20 Jan 1994. 14) He can beatbox 15) He's photogenic 16) He's a family guy 17) He likes dogs(What i tink) 18) He's american! Not Korean. :D 19) He's mine 20) He's even more talented than my Mitchel 21) He's better than my crush. way lots. 22) He's my new crush 23) I love how he dresses 24) He's darn cool 25) He commented on my Youtube! The first celeb! 26) He's majorally talented 27) And i wanna kiss him! 28) His voice is super nice 29) He's going to make a good real Twilight Vampire 30) No. He really looks like a Twilight vampire with tan. Love him loads. confirm he's got way much good points than that 30 and he's only 16!! Oh My Gawd!
Im mad over BooBoo today just bcos i heard his voice today in my phone cos i got his songs repeated, and i love his voice and im like omg shuai shuai shuai! then me and muipeng kept exchanging info and 'fighting' for him. This guy would be worth it for everything. ^^
ps: almost forgot this, He can do magic and he's really good with cards! woow! that's MY GUY over There! I'm proud to say. ^^
Theres something missing in you life: Me Don't you regret letting chances past just like that?
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time: 12:27 PM
Back from flag day, and worst of all, its not st john flag day. st john de at least i'd be more motivated to get more money. didnt fill up even half the can. went J8, i hate it there. now i tink kovan got more ppl donate. :) theres some unreasonable security guards at J8 and told me to get out of their premises even though im not asking for donations at all. angry sia. they enemies with the can izzit? irritating.
later going mit Muipeng. dunno what kind of epicness will happen later. hahas! :)
oo and im going to serangoon ave 4 someday soon too. my hamster's beddings all finish le! :x
Randomess: the one second b4 i flew out of the playground cos it was spinning too fast. :) Obviously you're luckier than me by tons and you're still like that. -,-
Date: Thursday, July 15, 2010
Time: 5:46 PM
Like, theres skool today. art. we had presentation. i went up and blurted everything that is had in my mind that time abt my art. i didnt really tok alot.... its called, speechless and yet trying very very very hard to say something about the art.
next up! Physics. mr faiz didnt come but we still had to do a test. goshy woshy, i 4gt all the formulas. Electricity is my weakest chapter in physics. yeah my electricity's dying. ;D
after recess, chinese. had this listening compre. got 3 wrong. gosh my chi listening compre must jiayou le la!!! and i seWiously thinks teacher should let us listen to the whole beginning to end. the beginning the music and craps kinda let me calm down and more alert to listen to the speeches behind....
english lesson, went comp lab without using the comp.
after that chi test at the fourth floor. lol i used lots of lousy chi bcos i dun have my dict with me. -,-
and went home after that.
cca tmr. sian bcos i had to prepare the uniform again, and tmr is a usual activity, meaning i will be the one slacking inside sj room. ok. I'll bring light weight homework to live that time away. :)
You're still as bitch as ever. Stick to them and better dun come running to us when something goes wrong. -,-
Sis: Crap! Me: 螃蟹! Sis: C-R-A-P! Ass! Me: (thinking) relax. its only opening the door.
Miss Sisterhood! ^^
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Time: 9:49 PM
so simple. i went to youtube, found his channel and i subscibed plus add him as fren. nx day i went to see, OMG HE COMMENTED ON MY CHANNEL!!!!! maybe he give that kind of comment to anyone hu subscibed to him but i dun care, it just means he saw my page b4. shoulda put my pic on youtube instead of pablo'one. lol.
Yeah and i sumpa that ren4165 guy is really him. OMG seriously love him can?! omg this is so cool! omg wow wow wow! going crazy over him~
and mitchel too~~
hahas so darn cute he.
die die die!
Abd i love the good news most, abt booboo commenting my youtube. WOW!! ♥♥♥
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Time: 7:27 PM
1) Last saturday, aft tuition. i was like darn tired from it. so therefore i walked slower than snail. Muipeng was like, 可以走快点吗?这简直不是人走的速度啊!and i just kip walking my speed. :) then aft we cross the road, we were very tired so we forgot tat we had to go elsewhere and we went to the wrong bus stop when we are suppose to go the interchange.
i walked slower than ever on the way to bus stop cos i really darn tired le. then she was like, 哎呀走快点leh. then she walk her usual speed which is probably five times faster than what im walking. then i sae, 你走快咯,我不稀罕。then i look to my left and saw the interchange. and i saw the bus we were suppose to take. for two secs, i was like, why tat bus like so familiar ah. then i remember! Ah our bus! then i run very fast to the bus and shouting, 啊bus来了!!then muipeng look at me blurblur, stun for three secs and caught up with me.
epicness: walking slowly; 你走快咯,我不稀罕。then saw our bus, and run and shout; 啊bus来了!!
2) Monday skool. English lesson. we had this game, the whispering de. 'broken dunno what thing'. then the first sentence is the funniest. from 'When all of love is gone' then passed around the class, come back tat time, it became, 'The chicken peed in the toilet' like, hahaha lmao, wth!! ^^
yeah today skooled, then art. tmr skool then art then cca. gosh. seriously! Is 24 hours a day the most the Earth can give us?!
Stuck in my room-Booboo Steward Upstairs in my room Bored out of my mind 'Cause theres just nothing on the tube And the radio plays everything but the new Song that's in my head I'm bouncing off the walls Now here we go again
I'm stuck here imagining That's just reality Wishing the daydreams were real Trapped in a fantasy Where I really wanna be Flying heads over heels
Soaring over mountain tops A rollercoaster that won't stop Far away from ordinary views Around the world travelling Just a place to spread my wings Anywhere but stuck in my room
My posters on the wall All seem to be staring back at me There laughing as I come (laughs) Every friend when texting doesn't work at all No one's answering I'm all on my own So here we go again
I'm stuck here imagining That's just reality Wishing the daydreams were real Trapped in a fantasy Where I really wanna be Flying heads over heels
Soaring over mountain tops A rollercoaster that won't stop Far away from ordinary views Around the world travelling Just a place to spread my wings Anywhere but stuck inside my room
(Guitar Solo)
I'm stuck here imagining That's just reality Wishing the daydreams were real Trapped in a fantasy Where I really wanna be Flying heads over heels
Soaring over mountain tops A rollercoaster that won't stop Far away from ordinary views Around the world travelling Just a place to spread my wings Anywhere but stuck in...
Soaring over mountain tops A rollercoaster that won't stop Far away from ordinary views Around the world travelling Just a place to spread my wings Anywhere but stuck in, Anywhere but stuck in, Anywhere but stuck inside my room
and did i post this anywhere b4?
Cute. ^^ B00 B00 sings one of this songs and did ya realise my sweetheart Mitchel is inside too?? ^^
as a picture, i mean. :D
Time: 7:48 AM
Just woke up and i had this darn cool dream. i died again. lolx. and i didnt even realise i died. but i noe im in the reincarnations areas and i was just a few steps from being Twilight vampire! then im like, wait and wait and wait, just bcos i wanna sae bye to sisterhood and my family. and therefore im a step later cos my bloody alarm rang and dun get to see the ending.
oo, i died from falling down a cliff while running away frm the tsnami. :)
going fo tang study later. full dream info at the dreams blog. byes~ ^^
Date: Friday, July 9, 2010
Time: 9:43 PM
and oops suddenly i tink abt mitch... :) Its his birthday today all right?? he's now 19. oo my darling's now 19. ^^ love him!~ any idea how much i love this? so cute! ♥ today. cca, hahas and i was almost slacking all the way in Sj room today. :) first time. bcos im in Cadet development now. lolx then i was like omg what should i do now idk a single thing abt this whatever thing im doing. hehes.
then aft tat i am suppose to rite down all the cca card de things, then i was writing with SiHan. we forgot the date and we both rote "8 july" for all of them. then Geraldine comes over and check with us, then we noe today is actually 9 July and and we have to liquid 8 away into 9. damn sian. hahas.
Sj also got a lot of new rules. i especially love the one about a day or two off. so cool. ^^ But id rather a day off on friday. cos its always nice to sleep in on a friday. :D
oo and btw, im going to text girls more often from now. texting guys are damn boring. all dunno how to make ppl smile. yeah the guys i left texting are my cousin my father and my tuition teacher. pure yeah? ^^
im eating gummy bears now. aww i like~ long long no eat. :) Lean in close... Whisper to me... We smiled secretly... I love ya! ^^
im gonna watch Despicable me. damn cute the girl. make that noise with the cheeks.
so darn glad its friday today. :) This is the facebook emoticon for : thank god its friday. I so agree for that. :)
Date: Thursday, July 8, 2010
Time: 11:27 PM
Eclipse. Jasper! Carlisle! Emmett! Oo and this is nice too... ands, gtg. bye! ^^
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Time: 9:34 PM
So its Just an illusion... Should have known.
summarise frm friday. :)
Friday. Skool. Art. Cca. Cca's night. oo cca gave me this really cute medal and i got home and ask everyone. cute rite? they were all busy so they just kept doing their things and sae yeah... -,- and im saying its cute probably cos i rarely get medals and this one was like a photoframe so cute, small small wooden de. hahas.
and another thing, i bathe at home! hahas. cos i 4gt to bring my performance thing then i ask for permisson go home during the break so i shun bian bath. :) nice~
Saturday. 12am and im still awake. slept late cos everyone else was too. wtf they nv give us back our phone like they did last yr. irritating then im like so bored there cos i wanna sleep but everyone else was awake... lolx.
then nx morning, went home for a while then went back skool do art. so tired but i manage to keep awake till 12+. then went home ate and sleep. [lolx like pig. ;) ] till like 6+ but im still tired. but then, had to do sth really really important so went to mit muipeng. went compass to do that important thing. :) then i went home, and wrap that up. lolx. now guess you noe what important thing is it. ;D
Sunday. Wake up early in the morning then i was ALL ALONE going to bugis ON MY OWN omg i hate being alone. Went for this clog drumming thing at NLB. we played games. then i was suppose to forfeit but then sth happens then everyone forgotten that i had forfeit to do. whew. ever so lucky. :)
this clog drumming this last till around 4 or 5+ i tink.. didnt check. ok now heres the irritating but lucky part. i thot i knew the way back to the mrt station and i was also ALL ALONE GOING HOME so i called up Muipeng amd we chatted. and i walk and walk until i realise i got lost. then im like, gosh! i hung up and called my mum, while on my way back to NLB. im so glad i can rmb the way back. nice sense of direction when im really anxious. :) turns out my mum was at bras basah. then im like so happy and i faster went to mit her, we went home tgt. no. in the end i went home myself. she had her bike parked in hougang mrt station and i had to take the bus home. -,-
Monday. Woke up late. i noe im gonna love this day. youth day. moreever, ITS MY ECLIPSE DAY!! but then share and muipeng were not really motivated into watching this movie just bcos critics mouth veri big. -,- i dun wanna listen to critics. everyone has their own point of view. why agree with critics when you noe what they hate may not be what you hate.
reach cinema. tickets sold out. -,- so decided to buy the 6.10pm tickets then go my hse practise oral and meanwhile taking my jacket cos i forgotten mine. see ive got memories worst than a goldfish. in the end they read magazines and we chatted random stuff. then went watch eclipse.
I LOVE THE MOVIE. except the kissing scene. what a sick director, i said. :) its hilarious. some parts. i love Carlisle! so shuai so cute so lovely in the movie!! Carlisle! you're loved! then MY BooBoo Stewart only appear in one pathetic scene for a few secs. the movie was also not detailed enough. some parts were skipped. i love it for its funnyness and cuteness and the fact that Carlisle's so shuai in there and Booboo's so cute in there. Rating given: 3.5/5. 1.5 away due to kissing scenes and deleted actual scenes frm the book. otherwise, id really love it more than i love NATM1 and 2.
Went home aft dinner, slept. so happy i dreamt abt Eclipse, i love that dream so much. :)