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Have you ever
Heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?


This is simply JiaJi. Loving my Sisterhood forever. ^^ Someday, I'll be out there, leading a happy life, after all these hell. That is, if i even manage to survive. :D
Candy, Clover, Peach.
Tell me, someday, we'll have kisses in lullabies.




Name's Chippy.
Love her loads.
To watch the vid over again, click replay.

Name's Seedling.
To feed, Click anywhere.
To run the wheel, click the yellow ring.


Tags r loved



♥personal laptop
canon camera
Drop art
♥Get A for chi o lvl
♥New Phone
♥Dream course!

♥♥♥Hammy Wishes
♥♥♥Vampire Dreams


wahju'1st wahju's 2nd
208'08 Agape Alicia Annette Ayuni Azhaar Cherie P. Claudia Douglas Geraldine Sin Geraldine Ng HuiMin Jasmine P. JiaXin JiaYu JingWen Joanne Josen KayYing Muipeng May Michelle Regina Robin RuiLin Samantha Sgt Brenda Sherry Shirlia ShuHui ♥♥♥Sisterhood Valery Vivien WahJu XinYing XiuWei YuBing
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Editor: Bang-That-Love
Designer: Eunice
Color codes: Color Picker Tool
Icon: Reviviscent
Background: FivePointsApart
Date: Friday, April 30, 2010
Time: 8:52 PM

im so glad theres such thing call a car honk in society. if hadnt been for it, id be dead alr. mani times. hahas.

today also. im crossing the road to my hse, then theres this big fat lorry over there blocking my view. and the road hor, 75% of the time no cars de. sides i cant hear anything. so i crossed. and i looked the other way. suddenly, beeep beep! gt car honk, then im like, omg where it come frm de. woops. right side. then i walk back to the pavement. and cross again. -,-

the honk saved my life. :D which is actually a bad thing. i wanna die.
allright actually its a good thing. if i wanna die, i decided i dun wanna die like this.
idk if ive put it here b4 but i wanna use the kind of thing that vet used to inject into animals to put them to sleep foever on myself, cos that kind of death is much more peaceful, so much better than art. :D and i can choose my location too. instead of waiting around for my time to be up.

MYEs are coming soon. jiayous everyone!

Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010
Time: 10:00 PM

poor share and muipeng cant use the comp anymore. at least, til exams are over.

Muipeng hor, she promise herself to not use for a week.
at the fourth day she went to break the promise.
a pity, the comp doesnt allow her.
it broke down. HAHAHA!

For share, its her mama dun let.

2dae art very cheat. at first sae 4+ can go le. in the end, 6+ then can go. >< hate art!!
its like, wan me think of a final composition but ive got no insipiration or motivation, how the hell do i even get a nice one? plus on, this stupid theme is damn difficult. Protection. wth. Protection abt shells. think of art, think or sianzxzxz.................

Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Time: 7:11 PM

This song reminds me of you.
One in a million.

How did I get here, turned around
And there you were
I didn't think twice or rationalize
Cuz somehow I knew
That there was more than just chemistry
I mean I knew you were kind of into me
But I figured it's too
Good to be true

I said pinch me where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in the blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can not believe it, whoa oh
You're one in a million

All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work
They weren't good enough
Til I thought I'm through
Said I'm done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one

You're making me laugh about the silliest stuff
Say that I'm your diamond in the rough
When I'm mad at you
You come with your velvet touch
Can't believe that I'm so lucky
I have never felt so happy
Every time I see that sparkle in your eyes

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in the blink of an eye

Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can not believe it, oh whoa
You're one in a million, (yea yea)

All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work
They weren't good enough
Til I thought I'm through
Said I'm done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one

I said pinch me
Where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can not believe it
Oh oh whoa yea yea

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in the blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can not believe it oh, oh

You're one in a million
One in a million
You're one in a million

I can hear my blogsong again. :D

woke up late.
actually i didnt.
i woke up at 6.25am. very early.
so i continued sleeping.
until 6.50 suddenly i wake up, and is like, omigosh! late!

nx wk is the MYE alr. and ive gt plenty of things left unknown. omg. im so afraid tat i'll make lots of carelessness. i committed carelessness in emaths, amaths, physics recently. what's wrong with me? i nidda stay focus. cmon, where the heck has my mood wander to. no where. as far as im concern, i quitted all thinking of the word, fun. then this happens. does this mean i have to take 'fun' back? cant rite? but i noe im focused onto studying alr. and so... ugh.

Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010
Time: 11:33 PM

went out wif share and muipeng aft tuition 2dae.

b4 tat, bought lip balm to cure my stupid dry lips. i have it on right now, and its my first time putting it on, its like very oily. -,- but i like the effect. moisturises. ^^

we went fotang study. i finished my ss essay. i wanna pass my essay ss wif flying colours. ^^
do until 5+ then im like, hey lets go le. they'll be chasing us out anytime frm now. all righties, off to compass!

window shopped. i hate window shopping. and esp i wanna buy for my gerbils vitamin block, then im like, oo ya i dun have money alr. sianz. life's not good if your living in a budget family, then you're obsessed with your pets and how their cage looks like, and you planned for both you and your gerbils to live a princess-sie life.

ate dinner. chat wif mp abt the guys at tuition. then she link all the ppl frm all over the world and compare. -,- share nv tok wif us.... share share best fren, you are welcome to chat wif us abt anything. me and mp noe each other's frens and some classmates. if you come and chat wif us, there'll be one more subject tat we can tok abt. ^^

went home wif share. crapped wif mp via sms. i call share send her the muipeng's kiam pa face hahaha!

cousin huimin came 2dae. ♥♥! i miss her like hell! then we played wif my gerbils and hamster. whoops. forgotten to take photos. :p huimin ah huimin, june hols must go out wif me ok?! ;D

2dae me and muipeng kip on zi high. lolx. i tink share must've felt left out. sorry bestie! :/

oo yahs! btw, im using twilight fonts in msn. edward's handwriting is the nicest so im using it. nx time i wan use alice de ^^ I like Edward's big letter 'S' word. its nice. :)

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010
Time: 9:42 PM

when you cant help but stop loving and lead a single lady life. that's how am i now. thankyou for the wonderful dreams i spent with you. you want me, win back my heart. :) not gonna teach you how.

must be some funny days im leading right here. funny, unlucky but still fun.
like 2dae. went back frm home. was dripping wet.
i saw my block the two lifts are on the first floor.
feeling lucky, i press the door open button and see which lift will open for me.
guess what. both of them ignore me and went up.
one to second floor, one to my floor. then im like, wth?
when both comes back down, both lifts were empty.
hello? mr lift, you just bullied me.
nvm anyway i wasnt in the mood to feel hurt. :D
that's why its funny to me.
maybe im getting crazy.
i said tat to muipeng.
she said im getting more and more bimbo. lol.
i like~
fun. it's like having those kind of happy-go-lucky moments back.
and yet ready for everything. not just slacking away.
im more willing to study. (and ever ready to sleep :p)

i'll tok more if i gt the chance.
tat is, if anyone is willing to listen to my crap.
well i'll post more nx time.
my mama is forcing me to eat dinner le.
(esp when my weight is dropping rapidly. ><)
yst 37.3kg, 2dae 36.9kg.
i see le im like, oh? my god?? yeah time to eat more and sleep more. like a pig. hahas.

Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Time: 8:09 PM

what kind of a mother is that?? my education more important than my health?? sick le go skool also no use rite?! wont get anything into my mind de. might as well not waste the time. send me to the doc, and when i get back, i'll have time to do my art...

and nvm, if i really tell these to you, also you wont change your mind. your rule is your rule.
ive got complete moodless now, lolx. post soon.

Date: Sunday, April 11, 2010
Time: 9:06 PM

Such a jerk when you're with your guy friends. Such a flirt when you are with other girls. But such a sweetheart when you are with me. Should I be glad or sad? :)
this song is damn damn nice, i must reccommend. Its cute also. :)

this song hor, i actually heard it a few years ago and is in love wif it ever since.
heard it frm my temple one of the graduation performance, the kids dance to this song.
i kept singing it.
then just now was bored so anyhow sing songs.
then dunno how it leads into singing this song.
then i suddenly rmb gt this song, and my bro told me to youtube it cos its nice.
and here is it, nicer than the version i heard at the temple. :)

I insisted against my heart that I do not like you. I'm suppose to continue loving him, not change my heart direction. Stop it, stupid heart.

Date: Saturday, April 10, 2010
Time: 9:42 PM

wake up damnk early 2dae, to wait for muipeng.
then she called and sae she wait for me at my skool gate at 8am. im guessing she just woke up. so i went to skool, took attendance.
8am sharp, reach gate, she's no where to be seen.

waited there like until 8.30am. no phone. then so pathetically waiting there. borrow hp frm thitirat,(thanks. ^^) called mp, she sae she on her way. ok. wait there so long le lo! finally im like, forget it, im going myself. id use tuition phone to call her. then i go bus stop. to find her waiting there. -,-

im like, i thot i call you wait at skool gate?
shes like, i wait here veri long alr! isnt tat the skool gate? *points to pri skool gate*

damn lol.

12am, rushed back to skool and tried to finish spending $20. end up cant.
so gave my bro and sis to spend.
then suddenly i gt $20 more. for being in FA.
fantastic. $40 to get rid of.-,-
my bro and sis cant finish spending it either.
in the end, my mama came and i gave her the money,
and she bring me around the skool buy things.
then she buy pineapple.
lol, damn heavy. ;D

enough abt the money prob. :)
now abt my class duty.
at first nth to do one. cos like veri less ppl wan play.
then i kip on going out of my own booth go share booth cos there gt things to do, at least..
come back for the third time, suddenly mani ppl wan play.
fun bein the in charge for the game.
then half way some ppl come here and be lame.
but funny. lolx.
:) aww i noe you're tat sweet. i saw you. but i didnt go forward bcos its the wrong time tat you came.. im all stinky... ;)

tmr study wif share and mp at mp hse.
omg. what happen to studying in fo tang?! hahahas.
chem, currently, the mole. woow i like this first few chaps of calculations. veri... maths. hahas. ;D

rite. gtg facebooking. bye! ^^

Date: Friday, April 9, 2010
Time: 9:17 PM

my art teacher told me to experiment and pla around wif photoshop. yst really went to try it. lol, and i painted my eyes blue, not nice. green, not nice. but then, red is nice! hahahas. then i told share, 'looks like id make a great vampire!' bcos the twilight bk sae vampires had red eyes. ^^

my bro sae its nice. but look like taking photo with ghost, lol.

tats me and my sis at home.

omg. 2dae tis comp upload pic veri fast. a pity i dun owe anyone photos to be posted. hahas.
gerbils, then. ^^

they dunno how to kip their place clean de lo.. look at the floor!

food bowl also they wan stuff paper inside. pro hor??

and look at how had they manage to bite tat red colour ting into.

my bro took this pic. veri cute hor? ^^
eating the treat i just gave. :)
if i had to complain abt their biting habits, i have a lot.
nx time i wanna post their wheel here. they bitten a whole chunk out of it..
i dunwan post now cos i lazy go take cam upload. :p
these gerbils pics are alr in the comp de.
i love the way you were more than willing to stop just for me... the sweetest guy i ever met. :)

ok. gtg bye. ^^

Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Time: 5:53 PM

ppl, my phone is spoilt officially alr.

last sat like tat alr. dun bother looking forward to my replies. i wont. cos i cant even read it.

sci centre pic, look at share's blog. for now. i gt time i post them here. :)
share share, i wan a mouse and a 'ming ming' a chick ming ming. ;)

its going to be a complicated saturday for mani ppl... including me.

have to wake up extra early and i either mit muipeng first or go skool for attendance taking first b4 rushing off for tuition. then tuition finish, rush home put stuff, rush back. oo of cos, im eating too. then gt cca duty and class de duty. well tats my saturday prog so far. there may be changes. im only most afraid tat i cant go for tuition. i dun wan to kip on postponing tuition just bcos of silly skool events tat they cant find any ways to put it during weekdays. ><

short post, i noe. i wanna change blogskin soon btw. bye blogskin. :D

Date: Sunday, April 4, 2010
Time: 9:06 PM

went sci centre yst wif share and muipeng. they crapped damn a lot. as usual.

gonna summarise the whole of yst.
will be a long summary.
sentence by sentence. ;D

here goes,

wake up.
go tuition.
did physics,
then eng cloze,
then geog.
oo i love physical geog.
this natural veg thing tat im doing now is so cool.
well, sort of. the strangling fig is veri scary.
tat is, if im a tree.
and i tink coniferous forests are veri twilight~
i like, i wanna go there one day, and try my luck see gt vampire come out bite me anot. :D
then went home.
muipeng and i went my hse first
then gt my things and chose the 'extra clothes' for water works at sci centre.
then went her hse and chose hers.
then went bus stop mit share share.
mrt-ed to jurong east
took them to sci centre.
i cant believe they dunno can walk to sci centre one.
bought our tickets
ate macs
went into sci centre.
first place i took them to is the 'virus' section of the sci centre,
one of my fave places there.
there gt this light, and it can reveal the 'invisible' chop they chopped on our wrist when we entered sci centre.
explore and took photos.
woow i found my spiral stairs for art. :)
our last destination is the coolest place there.
well its cool to me.
ispace, second floor :)
played for a while
then want to go waterworks le.
ended up its closed.
went to the space gt a lot of computer
then we use a while,
kana chased out of sci centre
cos closing down le
then went to the place outside sci centre for a short walk
cos there also gt tings to play.
then had dinner
then mrted and bused home..
not home.
reach hougang point and shopped a while
b4 going home.
ya, then went home. end of story.
veri tired. :)

and well as for 2dae, went muipeng hse to study.
sorta study.
a picnic-study.
hey a least i done a page of chem.
share did nth. :)
go home tat time, went hougang point wif muipeng to shop again.
lol, like tat small teeny tiny hougang point a lot of thing to shop abt like tat. hahas
bye then, theres nth else i can sae. :)

Date: Friday, April 2, 2010
Time: 12:03 PM

i dreamt tat my gerbils gave birth 2dae. then i wake up, very excited, run to my gerbils. no babies. -,- then i go to my sis, and i sang, i never had a dream come true, my gerbils hadn't gave birth yet...

just finished tuition. (lol my keyboard de spacebar gt prob lurh.. i have to kip on going back to press space... -,-)

sth funny happen just now also. if you wanna noe, can ask me via msn or sth, i lazy post here. :)

and so aft facebooking for 1 hr, im going to sleep my day away. good night! :D

oo wait. i rmb. since comp's in a good mood 2dae and so am i, theres no reason for me to sae tat im not posting the bowling pics. :)

went bowling the other day...

we ate macs first. here is a mix of three big packets of frech fries. lol in the end, only half was finished..

share was the first one hu played..

then muipeng.

then me then julius

then amos. pro kia guy.


share look more like pushing the ball here rite? hahahas.


results of the first round.
share, 67.
muipeng, 24.
jiaji, 64.
julius, 107.
amos, 110.

time for second round! muipeng wan me to try to take her pic tat she looks slimmer.

she sae, not slim enough!

share share's a bit like russell lee? all black. ;D

i tink, muipeng, the 'fat' effect is your shirt...

bowling ball= drain lover, my defination.

but not to pro kias though..

well.. sometimes we cant blame it either if the ball thinks tat the drainage system is an easier way out..

i tink i look like some country girl here.. -,-

woohoo! muipeng. ;D

look at prokias play.. sigh we so 失败。。
then suddenly we had to change lane for no reason. maybe lane breaking apart cos me and muipeng kept throwing the ball down instead of throwing it forward? no. I dont throw it. i drop it and while its dropping, i push it. ;D then they all sae later tmr newspaper sae 'kovan bowling place, 2 lanes cracked.' hahas.

i like this. look im finally leading!

and here's the place where muipeng began to own a 'remote control ball'


i can pick up the ball wif two fingers effortlessly. ;D

and muipeng can pick up one person. ;D

aww.. drain! hehes...

suddenly, muipeng leads! wa, first timer?? .... should be a lie ba.. hahas.
bocos muipeng gt this remote control ball... it always heads towards the middle of the pins nomatter where she throws it..

this looks more like first timer.. ball in drain. so like me, when its my first time.

at least i dun look so country now.. hahas.

the results plus my comments for the last round.
share: uh... i thot you were suppose to be the third pro??
muipeng: aiseh! first timer! become 1 score from the most pro guy wor! three strikes somemore...
mine: i some how like this a little, i improve every time i go there, confirm will hit sth one. :)
julius: lol, you tired alr ah? hahas.
amos: muipeng kept complaining shes one score away from you. ;D and dun pang sei nx time uh!
yeah tats for all le. byes!
oh, and btw, im back to me again. :)
going sci centre tmr.

Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010
Time: 6:13 PM

no.. you don't get it. everything's not gonna be fine. everything suddenly turns so unbearable, from lessons to pet bites to the things i used to love.
i just wanna give up and forget, and close my eyes and never wake up again. its like, poof, my future's gone, and since its gone, i shoulnd be here and upset everyone in future, i should just sae bye now and save them the regret later on. yes.

and so therefore, im going to sleep my friday away.

passed up a veri pathetically embarassing art to the teacher. if they saw it, they probably gonna call me drop art immediately. its maybe somehow good, i can concentrate on my both maths and try to improve them both tgt, instead of one by one. its time to train my mind to think this way since my o lvl maths cant be taken this yr. its either tat way or just 'leave' everything and everyone forever. im going to try the last hope first b4 turning to the 'bye' plan. if last hope turns out succesful and i can concentrate on all my subjects in one go tgt, the 'bye' plan will go to the bin. im going to be more hardworking, if i could.

seriously no luck with technology. 2dae use skool computer changed several comps also, due to lagness, keyboard not working and cnt access anything. and as for art, i hate it, im not gonna tok abt it. no. nth happens during art. everyone's fine with me 2dae, its just tat i probably wake up like tat and will be like tat for the whole day. i do not enjoy yst, its veri sad.

sick. almost vomitted several times 2dae. no mood to eat too...

everythings' seriously not fine anymore. i wish you could step into my life and brightens it up.

sry once again muipeng, the photos cant be uploaded. maybe you can come over with a thumbdrive or sth and i'll transfer everything in for you. :)

i cant smile and laugh the way i used to anymore. and i dun wan to tok abt maths, my tears welled when i think abt it.

Itsumo Nando Demo.
Yondeiru mune no dokoka oku de
Itsumo kokoro odoru yume o mitai.
Kanashimi wa kazoe kirenai keredo
Sono mukou de kitto anata ni aeru.
Kurikaesu ayamachi no sonotabi hito wa
Tada aoi sora no aosa o shiru.
Hateshinaku michi wa tsuzuite mieru keredo
Kono ryoute wa hikari o idakeru.

Sayonara no toki mo shizukana mune
Zero ni naru karada ga mimi o sumaseru.
Ikiteiru fushigi shindeyuku fushigi
Hana mo kaze mo machi mo minna onaji.
La la la la la la...

Yondeiru mune no dokoka oku de
Itsumo nandodemo yume o egakou.
Kanashimi no kazu o itsukusuyori
Onaji kuchibiru de sotto utaou.
Tojiteyuku omoi de mo sono naka ni
Itsumo wasuretakunai sasayaki o kiku.
Konagona ni kudakareta ka ga mi no ue ni mo
Atarashii keshiki ga utsusareru.

Hajimari no asa no shizukana mado
Zero ni naru karada mitasareteyuke.
Umi no kanatani wa mou sagasanai
Kagayakumono wa itsumo koko ni,
Watashi no naka ni mitsukerareta kara.