Date: Saturday, October 31, 2009
Time: 10:35 AM
the pictures frm yst..
i only saved five, cos the rest definition not veri gd. gt shake shake.

spot the pretty one. ^^

cute syrians. they're beautiful!

pink parrot!!

this one is the smallest syrian in the cage

full of robrovoski!!
more quotes frm twilight? ^^
by tis character called amun... ;D
only gt three.his appearance in the books were too less.
You’re all fools to think you can defy the Volturi.
Amun, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 34, p.656I gave you life. You’re wasting it.
Amun, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 34, p.656
Time means little; I never notice its passing.
Amun, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 37, p.712love twilight forever!!
Date: Friday, October 30, 2009
Time: 3:57 PM
haha! i veri happi. i borrowed cam frm the skool, now can upload photos again! hehe!!
just now went serangoon and hv a fun time wif share share. share share, ;D we tok abt our usual lame but funny tings. hahas.
photos?? =D
sry. uploading was slow...
oo, and share, tis is the madworld im toking abt..
LEMONS DO WORK!! aishiteru wa! ;D
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009
Time: 2:39 PM
and its a boring skool dae. early in the morning go skool and they give us a bk abt sex. then show us all the irritating parts. like, ew..
aft recess gt art. art nx yr will be even tougher.. should i drop? my maths teacher sae i should choose between amaths and art, drop one. anyone hu noe me would hv known tat i'd obviously drop art. but i tink abt it and tink tat i wan both. nid reason? ok. i'll give them. cos i do have reasons.
im gonna strive for what i want. now i've gt thru train, and nx, i going to aim.
A : chem, physics, chi, geog, eng
B: ss, art
C: amaths
can i can i can i pls????
i love twilight. and im going to put alice's quotes. ^^
btw, im so irritated by the fact tat all twilight cast smokes, except elizabeth, taylor and ashley.
even my peter smokes. like wth.. bad impression. lucky they dun smoke in the movie.
You do smell nice, I never noticed before.
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 15, p.323It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share.
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 16, p.346That won't help. I could smell her across the field.
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 17, p.373It’s been almost a century that Edward’s been alone. Now he’s found you. You can’t see the changes that we see, we who have been with him for so long. Do you think any of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you?
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 20, p.410Bella, how many times do we have to tell you that there’s no danger to us?
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 20, p.412I will always tell you the truth.
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 20, p.412
As predators, we have a glut of weapons in our physical arsenal — much, much more than really necessary. The strength, the speed, the acute senses, not to mention those of us like Edward, Jasper, and I, who have extra senses as well. And then, like a carnivorous flower, we are physically attractive to our prey.
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 20, p.413
It’s difficult on both sides — the blood-lust on the one hand, the awful pain on the other.
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 20, p.414
For everyone else, the pain of transformation is the sharpest memory they have of their human life. I remember nothing of being human.
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 20, p.414
Some things are more certain than others… like the weather. People are harder. I only see the course they’re on while they’re on it. Once they change their minds — make a new decision, no matter how small — the whole future shifts.
Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 22, p.435You’re only a senior once. Might as well document the experience.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.9I’d forgotten how exuberant you are.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.383
He was a fool to think you could survive alone. I’ve never seen anyone so prone to life-threatening idiocy.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.386
Your best friend is a werewolf?
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.387Edward was right—you’re a magnet for danger. Weren’t you supposed to be staying out of trouble?
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.387Leave it to you, Bella. Anyone else would be better off when the vampires left town. But you have to start hanging out with the first monsters you can find.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.387
You look like hell, Bella.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.389Save your remorse for someone who believes it.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 18, p.415I don’t think he ever planned to outlive you by long.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 18, p.418
We may already be too late. I saw him going to the Volturi… and asking to die.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 18, p.419
If he gives into his more theatrical tendencies… we might have time.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 18, p.419
There’s a very good chance that they will eliminate us all—though in your case it won’t be punishment so much as dinnertime.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 18, p.420You don’t get a lot of suicidal vampires.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 19, p.431You know what. If we’re too late for Edward, I’m going to do my damnedest to get you back to Charlie, and I don’t want any trouble from you. Do you understand that?
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 19, p.431
Honestly, I think it’s all gotten beyond ridiculous. I’m debating whether to just change you myself.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 19, p.436You are so bizarre, even for a human.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 19, p.437How strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto?
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 19, p.439Trust me, Bella. If anyone sets up a roadblock, it will be behind us.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 19, p.440Try not to trip. We don’t have time for a concussion today.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 19, p.441Let’s behave ourselves, shall we? There are ladies present.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 20, p.455
In summary, she did jump off a cliff, but she wasn’t trying to kill herself. Bella’s all about the extreme sports these days.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 20, p.457
I think she’s having hysterics. Maybe you should slap her.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 22, p.486Seriously, Bella! I don’t have any idea how to not kill you.
Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 24, p.535I’m offended. You’re not honestly worried about this, are you?
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.93
Haven’t you noticed yet, Bella, that Edward is just the teeniest bit prone to overreaction?
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.93
This hostage stuff is fun.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 6, p.150Edward, if I try to do too much, things are going to start slipping through the cracks.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 9, p.202Edward is making me do this. But I did foresee that you would be more difficult if I surprised you.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.267
Don’t be a baby about this. No tantrums.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.267
And you ducked your head, like a good Southern gentleman, and said, ‘I’m sorry, ma’am.’
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 13, p.301
You don’t get to be human again, Bella. This is a once-in-a-lifetime shot.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.311You don’t have anything like this. For crying out loud, you only own one skirt!
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 16, p.348If someone wants one of us, they’re going to have to go through the rest of us to get to her.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 16, p.350I’ll warn him if your plans get any more defined. It doesn’t help anything for you to put yourself in danger. Do you think either of them would give up if you died? They’d still fight, we all would. You can’t change anything, so just be good, okay?
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 18, p.396You worry too much, Bella. You’re going to go prematurely gray.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.423Edward is such a grouch when he doesn’t get his way.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.423I don’t care whose idea it was. How could you do this to me? I expect that kind of thing from Edward, but not from you. I love you like you were my own sister.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 21, p.465You know, Edward, as a brother, you are sometimes a disappointment.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 21, p.467Overprotective fool.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.569Play your role first, Bella, and then you can do what you want second. Part of being a Cullen is being meticulously responsible.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 26, p.581It might be different for you. I’ve never seen anyone go through this who’s chosen it beforehand. It should be interesting to see how that affects you.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 26, p.583
You are safe inside your mind. No one can reach you there. It’s no wonder that Aro was so curious about your future abilities.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 26, p.584I’m sorry. I can’t really empathize. My first memory is of seeing Jasper’s face in my future; I always knew that he was where my life was headed. But I can sympathize. I’m so sorry you have to choose between two good things.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 26, p.585Go play with Edward. I have to get to work.
Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.614Thirty seconds, please, Bella. Your patience will be rewarded.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1, p.20No one dressed by me ever looks like an idiot.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1, p.20Go to your happy place, Bella. It won’t take long.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1, p.21
You’d think I was shoving bamboo splinters under your nails.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1, p.21
I’ve only allotted so much time to make you stunning, Bella – you might have taken better care of my raw material.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 3, p.40
You’ll be my sister officially in ten short hours… it’s about time you get over this aversion to new clothes.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 3, p.40No one will dare to call you plain when I’m through with you.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 3, p.42
Deep breaths, Bella. And try to lower your heart rate. You’re going to sweat off your new face.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 3, p.43Focus, Bella. Edward is waiting for you down there.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 3, p.47
Do you want to miss your plane? I’m sure you’ll have a lovely honeymoon camped out in the airport waiting for another flight.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 4, p.70
I’ll tell her where you’re taking her, Edward. So help me, I will.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 4, p.71She’s going to be dazzling.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 19, p.383
You promised I could be there the first time! What if you two run past something reflective?
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 20, p.401
Edward gave me grief for not getting you to a mirror before the wedding. I’m not going to be chewed out again.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 20, p.402
Her fashion sense hasn’t improved as much as her balance.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 21, p.409
Oh, give her some credit. She wasn’t going to do anything. You’d want a closer look, too.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 22, p.439But look at how she’s dressed. It’s been killing me all day. That is clearly the priority.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 24, p.472I know – I’ll play you for it. Rock, paper, scissors.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 24, p.472 She has never been set down in her entire life. She’s going to be the most spoiled half-vampire I existence.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 24, p.473
Look at you! You need me to show you how to use your closet.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 25, p.492
Yes, yes, she always looks gorgeous.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 25, p.501Just get it off your chest, Bella.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 39, p.746
You’re just not that good an actress.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 39, p.746I missed you, too, Bella. So forgive me, and try to be satisfied with being the superhero of the day.
Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 39, p.747
It helps a little if you think of them as people.
Alice Cullen, Midnight Sun, Chapter 1, p.4
I’ll miss you. No matter how short a time you’re gone.
Alice Cullen, Midnight Sun, Chapter 1, p.27
You will do the right thing. She’s Charlie Swan’s only family. It would kill him, too.
Alice Cullen, Midnight Sun, Chapter 1, p.28share share, heres the seab art link.
click here. ^^oo ya. i promised share tat id put her and her lao gong's couple song up here. the mtv. cos she wanna watch. ;D
uh.. woops. apparently, i cant put it here.
dun allow. so i'll just put the link here k? ;D
click for share and her lao gong's couple song mtv.yeah. gtg! hahas.
And i find it kind of funny, i find it kind of sad.The dreams in which im dying are the best i've ever had.the day i died was the best day of my life.i was telling my bro earlier on when i had lunch wif him. we were pretty lame. were toking abt our future homes. hahas. and bcos i like pink, i decidesd to overdo it and make my entire hse and personal things table. pink laptop. pink pets. pink bags. pink fridge, pink bed, pink television, pink radio, pink first aid kit, pink aircon, and you on the tap; pink saniniser flows out, pink hamster cages, pink bowls and plates, pink fishes, pink chairs, pink floors, pink walls, pink ceiling, pink clothes, pink jacket, pink clock, pink pen and pencils, pink phone, pink blog, pink car, pink office, pink papers, pink cards, pink keys, pink files, pink magnets, you name it, its pink. except my hair which i decide would be brown. like bella's, of twilight. cos i like her hair colour. i really really gtg now. ;D
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Time: 10:13 PM
through train--- should I go?
and i did more research for what I want in the future-- want be vet.
lolx. nid go further studies de... >< by universities in Australia, New Zealand, UK and Canada/USA. another thing waste my money. sigh... dun wan further studies then become vet's assistant only. all right!! im saving up alr. ^^ aft my gerbils. ;D
i dun wan sp anymore. now i wan ngee ann poly. sp's website is not detailed enough for me to understand. entry requirements: pass everything. ^^ yep sure. i'll start studying hard right away.
and when i saw the things they said tat we're gonna study, i cant wait- especially those in bold.
Year 1
Animal Nutrition, Cell Biology,
Animal Anatomy & Physiology, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry,
Microbiology, Biostatistics, Organic & Biological Chemistry,
Basic Veterinary Pharmacology,
Creativity & Applied Thinking Skills^, Sports & Wellness^,
Communication Toolkit^
Year 2
Veterinary Immunology,
Laboratory Animal Care,
Handling & Management,
Animal & Fish Diseases, Aquaculture,
Animal Behaviour,
Welfare & Handling, Clinical Diagnostics, Veterinary Histopathology, Molecular Biology, Cell Culture & Tissue Applications, Developmental Biology & Genetics, Innovation & Enterprise in Action^, Two Interdisciplinary Studies modules^
Year 3
Bioinformatics & Genomics,
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Practice Management,
Preclinical & Clinical Trials, Project, Internship, World Issues: A Singapore Perspective^, One Interdisciplinary Studies module^
^ denotes Interdisciplinary Studies module
oo yes!! im in thru train!! gonna strive!! ^^
haha!! im so happi!!
yor 'maybe is you' backview makes me excited alr. ^^ long time no see!!
sjab take us go bowling just now. lolx. at first joined geraldine's grp, then get wished to xuanming's grp. ok tat is not really a bad thing. they crack a lot of jokes.
hahas! geraldine tat side the computer gt problem, kip on giving them strike. then in the end they get 3rd in place in our whole sjab.
looks like lemons work.
your deadline is the nx time we are alone. if you still dun do anything, im taking it as i gotta move on alr. i cant continue sitting around here all day waiting. i nid to move on too. what if you went and nv come back? it's wasting my time. so be quick.
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Time: 12:48 PM
is fate really trustworthy? should I just go wherever the heart takes me?
damn my fucking results tis yr. FAILED COMBINE HUMANS!! fUcK!!!
wakarimasen. why is this so??? is it really because of you?
ok im really really going to jump off a cliff aft a finish watching all four twilight saga movies. tis life is so unfair!! what the hell does it mean by no link?? i practically copy and pasted the entire book onto the paper!! fuck the fucking hell.
im gonna die im gonna die...
well. just like ice age's sid, i had to put on an act: IM FINE IM FINE!! im gonna die...
if only..aft tat, its time for kanji... ;D
at least there will be sth to do during the holidays where im stuck home. japanese, this language is very very cute!
a cup of love.
twilight quotes. yeah again.
What is she to me? Except a menace — a danger you’ve chosen to inflict on all of us.
Rosalie Hale, Twilight, Chapter 19, p.401I’m so very sorry, Bella. I feel wretched about every part of this, and so grateful that you were brave enough to go save my brother after what I did. Please say you’ll forgive me.
Rosalie Hale, New Moon, Chapter 22, p.497
I don’t mean that I have any aversion to you as a sister. It’s just that… this is not the life I would have chosen for myself. I wish there had been someone there to vote no for me.
Rosalie Hale, New Moon, Chapter 24, p.534If we had happy endings, we’d all be under gravestones now.
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.154
Admiration was like air to me, Bella. I was silly and shallow, but I was content.
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.155
You know, my record is almost as clean as Carlisle’s. Better than Esme. A thousand times better than Edward. I’ve never tasted human blood.
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.163I did murder five humans. If you can really call them human. But I was very careful not to spill their blood — I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist that, and I didn’t want any part of them in me, you see.
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.163
I don’t want Edward that way, Bella. I never did — I love him as a brother, but he’s irritated me from the first moment I heard him speak. You have to understand, though . . . I was so used to people wanting me. And Edward wasn’t the least bit interested. It frustrated me, even offended me in the beginning. But he never wanted anyone, so it didn’t bother me long. Even when we first met Tanya’s clan in Denali — all those females! — Edward never showed the slightest preference. And then he met you.
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.164
Edward has always been a little strange.
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.165You already have everything. You have a whole life ahead of you — everything I want. And you’re going to just throw it away. Can’t you see that I’d trade everything I have to be you? You have the choice that I didn’t have, and you’re choosing wrong!
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.166You don’t want to be rash about permanent things, Bella.
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.167I apologize for being such a monster. I’ll try to behave myself from now on.
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.168I know you’re frustrated that he’s keeping you locked up like this, but don’t give him too bad a time when he gets back. He loves you more than you know. It terrifies him to be away from you.
Rosalie Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.168
Over my pile of ashes.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 10, p.186
Where’s the flood, mutt?
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 14, p.271About time. The chainsaw impersonation was getting a little tired.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 14, p.278Oh, wonderful. I knew I smelled something nasty.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 15, p.292Enjoy, mongrel.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 15, p.294
Of course there were no survivors. Giving birth in the middle of a disease-infested swamp with a medicine man smearing sloth spit across your face to drive out the evil spirits was never the safest method.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 15, p.303
You. Got. Food. In. My. Hair.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 15, p.304I’m not going to forget this, dog.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 15, p.304
Ew. Someone put the dog out.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.323I have killed a hundred times more often than you have, you disgusting beast. Don’t forget that.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.324I’ll help him toss you, dog. I owe you a good kick in the gut.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 22, p.447The more time he spends here, the less chance there is that we’ll ever get the smell out.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 25, p.491tats it then.bye bye.
and im looking forward to seeing you soon. ♥
Date: Monday, October 26, 2009
Time: 9:00 PM
omg. finally comp not lag 2dae.. hahas.
main quote of the day:
distance often erases shyness.for a change, im putting werewolf quotes.
This is making me sick, Jacob. Can you imagine what this feels like to me? I don’t even like Bella Swan. And you’ve got me grieving over this leech-lover like I’m in love with her, too. Can you see where that might be a little confusing? I dreamed about kissing her last night! What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
Leah Clearwater, Eclipse, Epilogue, p.622Claim this, moron.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 8, p.158
It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? I’m joining your crappy little renegade pack. The vampires’ guard dogs.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.225Wanna race, O fearless leader?
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.225
Shut up, Jacob. Oops, I’m sorry – I mean, shut up, most high Alpha.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.226
You think I’m just going to sit home while my little brother volunteers as a vampire chew toy?
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.226Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.227
That will be my goal, then – to be less annoying than Paul.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.232
Look who’s getting all paternal.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 13, p.255Despite my best efforts, I’ve seen you naked before – doesn’t do much for me, so no worries.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 13, p.259That is easily the freakin’ grossest thing I’ve heard in my life. Yuck. If there was anything in my stomach, it would be coming back.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 13, p.266
Mom dropped him a lot when he was a baby.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 13, p.266
Wouldn’t want our precious parasites taking unnecessary chances.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.310Ah, sweet success.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.311
I think you make a good Alpha. Not in the same way Sam does, but in your own way. You’re worth following, Jacob.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.312
I’m happier now, as a part of your pack, than I have been in years.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.312
Wow, this is going to sound bad. But, honestly, it will be easier to deal with your pain than face mine.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.315
I know it’s going to be bad for you, Jacob. I understand that – maybe better than you think. I don’t like her, but… she’s your Sam. She’s everything you want and everything you can’t have.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.315
At least Sam is happy. At least he’s alive and well. I love him enough that I want that. I want him to have what’s best for him. I just don’t want to stick around to watch.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.316
I wasn’t born a compassionless shrew. I used to be sort of nice, you know.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.316I understand why your blond vampire is so cold – in the figurative sense. She’s focused. She’s got her eye on the prize, right? Because you always want the very most what you can never, ever have.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.319That’s the funny thing about knowing you can’t have something. It makes you desperate.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.320Aishiteru wa, Aishiteru. ♥ stop it. i've alr gave up on life since my chippy darling left me. just let me be. you will not see me again aft i watched breaking dawn. to watch finish all four twilight saga movie would be mine ishi. im going to join chippy. cant help it. my bond with her is too strong. she dies and my soul dies too.anata ga inaito sabishii desu..
btw, kyo wa atsui. i hate these type of days. ok. maybe for singapore, its almost like this for 24hr everyday. aww... CHIKUSHOUME!! ATSUI!! i need aircon.
Gambatte^^lolx im on my way to learning the basics of japanese by myself, and my sis, wth, everytime copy me,wants to learn japan. the other time i play wif my frens vampires and werewolves, then she also want to play, she make herself the same name as me then rightfully declare its her.
kutabare! daikirai. can i slap her?! grr........
(lolx. im ok wif anyone copying me, yes but this is too much! ive gt these copyrighted!
brainless..! cnt get yor own idea de mah? hippo jiu shi hippo. daikirai. )
oo, b4 i go, im sharing this funny passage frm a bk..
All parents were once perfect teenagers. Model humans. Never drank, smoked, swore or lay in bed all morning. They were completely in control of all their hormones. In fact, they probably never had any hormones at all. They were calm, always smiling and incredibly polite to everyone around them.All parents also have amnesia. That's why they think the above paragraph is true.yeah well. gtg see you. ^^ kip check back for more updates! ;D
Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009
Time: 7:43 PM
Aishiteru wa. you'll always be in my heart.yoz!! just came back frm girls day out number a lot. ^^
spent less than 1 and a half hr to go frm hougang to jurong east swimming pool. go chinese garden interchange get off and take bus short while reach le.. ai ya. wan walk frm the interchange also can de.
well. we'd suppose to be really single in 2dae's outing. but kip on gt guys... wtf.
at first's me. i cant go back on land in the river. then im struggling halfway, one guy go help. then im like, wtf, the girls kip on laughing.
then aft tat we go play the tsnami thingy, we go deep deep cos share likes it. then we lie on the floats cos lazy move abt. suddenly gt two boys in front of me and share. tat time i dunno where's muipeng. then i thot they just casually there but then its aft a short while tat i realise they're toking to us. (lol. i dunno how mani times hv been like tat alr. ppl toking to me and i dunno it and they ended up thoughting i gt attitude problem. hahas.)
then they kip calling share pink colour one cos shes wearing pink. share bo chup them then she call me dun care them. lol. then i hold share share hand and go look for muipeng. oo. she gt it worst. shes gt more guys around her. decided to go help her, shes feeling really scared. i go there and she held my hand real tightly. so i call her dun care them also, stupid muipeng still smile at them.
then those boys looks so younger than us. probably sec two or one. then they ask our age. share share veri angry. she sae: why must tell you? HAHA!! then i tink its hilarious and i kip laughing. so those guys decided to ask the smiling one, muipeng, for our age. then i veri scared. cos muipeng is the friendlier type so i whisper to her: tell them we're taking o lvl tis yr. those stupid boys thot i toking to them, so they r like, what? i go diao them ;D (this is the type of reaction boys will get frm me if i dun like them then they kip pester me. i wont tok to them.)
lol. then she veri stupid. she go tell them, like, wtf. then they veri bian tai. kip clinging on her float. i try pull her away also veri hard. feel like slapping their faces but tat time in water i feel veri weak dunno why. plus its cold!! the cold water spray's spraying at us.
the guys, first of all, they're damn short. probably shorter than me. then, as muipeng says, they're gay. HAHA!! it reminds me of
GG. (share share... ;D) jurong there is damn scary. a lot of irritating guys. the other time is a life guard go flirt wif share and muipeng. (FLIRT, in MY definition,share share.)
i'd decided tat nx time im going there, id get a trustworthy guy along. like, share's bro, or my dad. (ok. if its my dad, its my whole family. dotzzz..)
i hope muipeng can learn not to lose control in front of such guys again. she shouldn't smile. then behind their backs, she's veri scared, graspling wildly at us, asking us for help. or should I say, pleading? hahas. just kick them in the face and let it go. hehe. kiddin.
went off the pool damn early cos no one's really has the mood to stay anylonger.
me cos of those guys and i feel a bit faint.
me feel faint since you left... you should know, aishiteru wa, was hoping we can meet again somehow. i need you, you noe?then went to kovan,heartland mall for dinner b4 going home.
i sms share and muipeng this. maybe you all can reply too on the tagboard if you like. ^^
what would you do if one day u gt off the bus then im still in the bus, then b4 long, the bus suddenly explodes in front of you due to terrorist attacks?and gtg, bye! ^^
No more poison killing my emotion,
I will not be frozen
Dancing is my remedy remedy oh.
Stop stop praying cause im not not playing,
I’m not frozen.
Dancing is my remedy remedy oh.
Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
Ive got a remedy oh uh oh uh oh
Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
Here is my remedy oh uh oh uh ohhere you go, mike newton quotes.. ;D
So, did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what? I’ve never seen him act like that.
Mike Newton, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.25If I were lucky enough to sit by you, I would have talked to you.
Mike Newton, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.26She’s my friend; she sits with us.
Mike Newton, Twilight, Chapter 6, p.112Have you ever seen a driftwood fire?
Mike Newton, Twilight, Chapter 6, p.115I never noticed before — your hair has red in it.
Mike Newton, Twilight, Chapter 7, p.143
Don’t worry, I’ll keep out of your way.
Mike Newton, Twilight, Chapter 11, p.221
You and Cullen, huh?
Mike Newton, Twilight, Chapter 11, p.221
He looks at you like… like you’re something to eat.
Mike Newton, Twilight, Chapter 11, p.221
Are you going to the dance with Cullen?
Mike Newton, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.248
Don’t kid yourself, Bella. The guy’s head over heels for you.
Mike Newton, New Moon, Chapter 15, p.343Did you see the size of that Jacob kid? I think he could take Cullen down.
Mike Newton, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.90and heres a life skill id like to share.
problem abt the world's sphere shape going around the sun: when im abt to sleep, you start the same day. its LA and singapore im toking abt. hahas.
due to over madly love wif peter facinelli i even kip his home time as dual time in my hp. lolx. then at 11+pm, its their 6+pm, all in same day. their time is always so far back behind ours. hahas.
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009
Time: 1:12 PM
im putting jasper's quotes 2dae here.
on behalf of muipeng too. i noe she loves jasper and mike. ^^
i liked jasper. i LOVE CARLISLE. ;D
mai aisoku... ^^
Actually, Alice says there’s going to be a real storm tonight, and Emmett wants to play ball. Are you game?
Jasper Hale, Twilight, Chapter 16, p.346I can feel what you’re feeling now — and you are worth it.
Jasper Hale, Twilight, Chapter 19, p.404
You have nothing to worry about. You are completely safe here.
Jasper Hale, Twilight, Chapter 20, p.410
You’re worrying about all the wrong things, Bella. Trust me on this — none of us are in jeopardy. You are under too much strain as it is; don’t add to it with wholly unnecessary worries. Listen to me! Our family is strong. Our only fear is losing you.
Jasper Hale, Twilight, Chapter 20, p.410She’s one of us now.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.285Our venom is the only thing that leaves a scar.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 13, p.287
Before I tell you my story, you must understand that there are places in our world, Bella, where the life span of the never-aging is measured in weeks, and not centuries.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 13, p.287If not for the Volturi, the rest of us would be quickly exposed.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 13, p.288My instincts told me that there was danger, that the angel had meant it when she spoke of killing, but my judgment overruled my instincts. I had not been taught to fear women, but to protect them.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 13, p.294
When you live for the fight, for the blood, the relationships you form are tenuous and easily broken.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 13, p.299
In so many years of slaughter and carnage, I’d lost nearly all of my humanity. I was undeniably a nightmare, a monster of the grisliest kind.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 13, p.300
After a century of instant gratification, I found self-discipline… challenging.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 13, p.301
You held out your hand, and I took it without stopping to make sense of what I was doing. For the first time in almost a century, I felt hope.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 13, p.301
We have a few advantages, dog. It will be an even fight.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 17, p.379
You truly are one frightening little monster.
Jasper Hale, Eclipse, Chapter 18, p.396I’ve never seen a newborn do that – stop an emotion in its tracks that way. You were upset, but when you saw our concern, you reined it in, regained power over yourself. I was prepared to help, but you didn’t need it.
Jasper Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 20, p.404I can’t understand. I can’t bear this.
Jasper Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 23, p.464
It’s just been my experience that some kinds of working relationships are better motivated by fear than by monetary gain.
Jasper Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 39, p.749Aishiteru wa, koishii.
i dunno if this is the rite phrasing. you can sae i made use of direct translation and the website im using give me lots of word choices.sessha sabishigaru hamusuta- sigh...........itsu kan sessha choudai mai shinnin petto?? :(its direct translation!! tell me if you noe sth's wrong. put in right order for me or sth. tagboard over there. ^^
im sharing this newmoon site around.' ya. ^^
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009
Time: 10:26 AM
Konnichiwa!! Ohayō gozaimasu.
lolx. i started trying to learn some japanese words since koini ochite, tat song. its nice. and i heard it, i feel tat japanese word r nice to speak.
O-genki desu ka?(oh-GEN-kee dess-KAH?)
Genki desu.(GEN-kee dess)
and tat means how are you and im fine, thankyou.
nice to meet you: Hajimemashite. (hah-jee-meh-MOSH-teh)
thankyou: Dōmo arigatō. (doh-moh ah-ree-GAH-toh)
youre welcome: Dō itashi mashite. (doh EE-tah-shee mosh-teh)
im sorry: Gomen-nasai. (goh-men-nah-sigh)
excuse me: Sumimasen. (soo-mee-mah-sen)
はい。 Hai. (HIGH)
いいえ。 Iie. (EE-eh)
and, dun say sayonara.
sayonara ish saying goodbye forever.
should say Sore dewa. (SOH-reh deh-wah).
tats informal goodbye.
and, dun try shouting for help in japanese.
imagine you are sinking in the middle of the ocean and you had to shout for help:
Tasukete! (tah-soo-keh-teh!)
you're alr half drowned by the time you finish tat sentence! just sae a short and simple HELP will do.
say good evening is Konbanwa.
b4 you sleep, tell your parents or sibling: Oyasuminasai. (oh-yah-soo-mee-nah-sigh)
ppl thot you pro in japanese, so start babbling to you in japanese, you should say,
Wakarimasen. (wah-kah-ree-mah-sen), Nihongo [yoku] hanasemasen. (nee-hohn-goh [yo-koo] hah-nah-seh-mah-sen)
you mean, i dun understand, i cant speak japanese well.
you are in japan. you are lost. and seriously in need of a toilet. go to any local japanese, ask them:
Toire wa doko desu ka? (toy-reh wah DOH-koh dess kah?)
more here: dewa. gtg. ^^
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Time: 8:55 PM
i posted this post in my priv blog too but its so cute, tat i decided to post it here too.
look at maii cute babies!!
father: butter. (the sweet thing.) [green]
mother: milky. ( my baby.) [white with pink ball above head]
child: sweetheart/angel (their baby, my sweet heart.) [white with blue ball above head.]

the father, butter, and the mother, milky mating. ;p

the mother, milky, singing, and the kid, sweetheart, clapping along.
tat game's frm a sonic cd rom game. i only play so cos of the cute thingies tat the animals kip for pet. otherwise, i didnt help out in level uping the sonic and frens. tat's bro's job.
i constructed a family frm tat game. ^^ will tell more nx time. gtg! and i'll post more cute pics on them too.
maybe this is the type of situation where one can be really really proud of oneself.

can you see IT???
carlisle cullen quotes...
I’m Carlisle. This is my family, Emmett and Jasper, Rosalie, Esme and Alice, Edward and Bella.
Carlisle Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 18, p.377Please don’t take offense, but we’d appreciate it if you’d refrain from hunting in this immediate area. We have to stay inconspicuous, you understand.
Carlisle Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 18, p.378
She’s with us.
Carlisle Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 18, p.379I’m afraid you’re going to have to make a choice.
Carlisle Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 19, p.400
Sorry about this, Bella. We couldn’t rein Alice in.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.26Do you want me to drive you to the hospital, or would you like me to take care of it here?
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.31
What I enjoy the very most is when my… enhanced abilities let me save someone who would otherwise have been lost. It’s pleasant knowing that, thanks to what I can do, some people’s lives are better because I exist. Even the sense of smell is a useful diagnostic tool at times.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.34Like everything in life, I just had to decide what to do with what I was given.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.35So I didn’t agree with my father’s particular brand of faith. But never, in the nearly four hundred years now since I was born, have I ever seen anything to make me doubt whether God exists in some form or the other. Not even the reflection in the mirror.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.36I’m sure all this sounds a little bizarre, coming from a vampire. But I’m hoping that there is still a point to this life, even for us. It’s a long shot, I’ll admit. By all accounts, we’re damned regardless. But I hope, maybe foolishly, that we’ll get some measure of credit for trying.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.36I look at my… son. His strength, his goodness, the brightness that shines out of him—and it only fuels that hope, that faith, more than ever. How could there not be more for one such as Edward?
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.37If you believed as he did. Could you take away his soul?
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.37
I think, in most other ways, that I’ve done the best I could with what I had to work with. But was it right to doom the others to this life? I can’t decide.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.38That was a hard time to pretend—there was so much work to be done, and I had no need of rest. How I hated to go back to my house, to hide in the dark and pretend to sleep while so many were dying.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.39
I’ve never been sorry that I saved Edward.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.41Tonight is exactly the kind of thing that he fears the most. You being put in danger, because of what we are.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 2, p.42
You’ve chosen not to live without her, and that doesn’t leave me a choice.
Carlisle Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 24, p.534She’ll come around when she’s ready, Edward. She’s had too much to deal with today. Let her mind protect itself.
Carlisle Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.566As soon as we’re done here, I will do what I can to help him. Sam is trying to get him to phase back to his human form. That will make treating him easier. I’ve never been to veterinarian school.
Carlisle Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.567
Bella is already a daughter to me. A beloved daughter.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.234
I’ve seen vampire venom work miracles, but there are conditions that even venom cannot overcome. Her heart is working too hard now; if it should fail… there won’t be anything for me to do.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.235
She hasn’t gone for his throat even once.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 22, p.450
I wish treating humans were this instantaneously gratifying.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 23, p.454I always wondered where the crown jewels disappeared to after John of England pawned them in the thirteenth century. I suppose it doesn’t surprise me that the Volturi have their share.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 27, p.532
We’ve done nothing! And if we had, what could we possibly do that would bring this down on us?
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 28, p.545Don’t get your family slaughtered for pride.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 29, p.559We have been friends for a long time, but I would never ask you to die for me.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 34, p.656
Aro, my old friend. It’s been centuries.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 36, p.685
I have not committed the crime you are here to punish me for.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 36, p.686
Is there no hope, then?
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 37, p.723Try to find Alistair and tell him what happened. I’d hate to think of him hiding under a rock for the next decade.
Carlisle Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 39, p.744
credits: twilight-quotes/carlisle cullen/stepenie meyer
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Time: 8:36 PM
I look at mine, and thinks that it is still not up to my standard.Then i turned to look at yours, and I turned back again, and i felt that mine is the best among the rest, although no change is done to it.yu nah see it? ;D -Yvette
went home frm share's hse. gt a 'cat fight' wif muipeng while watching transfomers 2,which share got frm robin. we cat fight cos of the pink colour pillow. hahas. fun cat fighting. then aft tat i took julius' rubix cube. it was a special one. gt lights de. then gt games de. share play until no sound. then we all kip hitting the toy until gt sound come out. hahas.
hey ppl. dun jio me out now. mine mama scolds alr.
she said tat b4 the results r out, im not allowed to go out wif frens or anything like tat. til the results r back, and i failed one single subject, id hv to stay back the entire holiday to study tat damn subject. yep even amaths and art.
dun wry. i'll find a way out for new moon. ^^ im sure she wont mind me going out wif a cousin. rite?? hahas. she nv complains when im out wif cousins. lucky for me, my date for new moon is done in june, tat im going wif cousin huimin. yeah! ^^
twilight rocks! ^^
shelland.twitter sucks a lot recently. so did the email system.
oo ya and here's a vid tat share shared wif me and id like to share wif everyone too cos its cute and funny.
bye. gtg now. yeah. ^^
Date: Monday, October 19, 2009
Time: 11:31 PM
i hate this computer.
it lags.
and it kip on kana virus.
it sux.
just hates it.
lost my password just bcos of it.
and duno y, it kip on saving my private things and dun wan let me delete.
Just one falsehood often requires the concoction of several others to hide it, leading to the creation of complications that bring trouble & unhappiness to oneself and others.
been more than 100 days since we part. love you, chippy.ive gt two quotes in the morning tat i would like to share wif everyone.
1) Never lend things to FLOWERS.
2) Never trust HIPPOS.
listen to tat advice. if not you'll regret it. ;D
you got my life revolving around music. :Dim feeling really bored. normally on these days, id be tending and dedicating my days to chippy. well yeah shes elsewhere now. idk where. just hopes tat she is safe. currently wan to try out gerbils yet none of the shops have them available. i want a gal; a pinkish white one probably. hu looks like chippy. and a boy, blueish one if possible or any other nice colours. and is rather active.
seriously bored. wan go swimming. yet me share and muipeng all three of us, everytime gt problem wif just doing tat. if its not share's auntie comes and worry for her dun let her go, or its muipeng's supersticious grandma hu wont let her go on certain days for her supersticious reasons or its just tat i gt extra chores for the week, no time. bloody hell. so unlucky. fated not to go izzit? bloody idiots. wish girls are better. ;D
btw, the reason i didnt invite anyone into my priv. blog now is, i dun wan any comments, both physically and mentally, abt the posts, the skin, the link and everything else in tat blog cos its private. =]
and between now and then, till i see you again, i'll be lovinging you. love, me.some quotes frm books i borrowed frm my fotang's library yst.Dont depend on others: reply on yourself for success..
Dont be stubborn: to succeed, get other opinions.
A day of hard work is a day of satisfaction.
Making everything clear is a magical way to get along wif ppl.
The first rate ppl are compassionate and intelligent. (carlisle!!^^)
The second rate ppl are compassionate but not intelligent.
The third rate ppl are intelligent but not compassionate.
The forth rate ppl are neither compassionate nor intelligent.
Act with righteous.
Speak with tolerance.
Be friendly and behave rationally.
Do not spend more than you have.
Praising ppl behind their backs make them happy.
Criticising ppl to their faces avoids gossips.
Conscience is the clothing that dignifies body and mind.
Repentance is the water that purifies heart and mind.
Before you blame, comfort.
Before you criticise, praise.
Before you admonish, commend.
Before you command, respect.
Good students grow through honor and praise.
Bad students improve with assistance.
Drivers, be patient.
Drivers, be amiable.
Drivers, think of safety first.
Drivers, yield the road to others. yep. tats all for now then.
Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009
Time: 10:42 PM
just went home frm dora the explorer mission.
ok actually none of us were really in the mood for the mission.
tis is our day:
frm 11am+ to 8+pm. ^^
reached chua chu kang to take shuttle bus.
damn bus ran away. so we decided to eat lunch at the shopping mall there. lot 1.
then go take bus lo.
initially wanted to go to hay dairies goat farm. ended up in farmart. walked down the road to some sort of fish farm which turned out to be deserted so we went back to the farm for the shuttle bus back.
then at the lot 1, we look at the mrt map to see where we will go. the result is causeway point. so went to take the mrt. ended up in LRT. so took one big round in the LRT. (and i realise tat they do not noe tat chua chu kang LRT so special de.) tat LRT i been sitting since young cos nid visit granma's mum. its gd having those childhood memories back. then go take MRT aft the round. reach causeway point, then walk walk, then go share's hse cos her aunt there will take us to share gramma hse to eat dinner.
at share granma hse we eat dinner then aft tat go geylang east cos its near. we bought plastic balloons each. de quality veri lan lurh. or its either we 4gt how to blow. the stupid balloons kip bursting. play finish le then go back her granma hse to go home.
we played sth fun in the car. the journey seems so short.
lolx. and tats da end of dora explorer mission number.....a lot. ;D
actually 2dae we should hv went to jurong swimming pool but fate dun allow. share's auntie came and dun let her go. so we were pulled along by tat fact.
oo, and there was tis convo wif muipeng tat i tink is funny 2dae...
(a handicap man zoom down a slop at a super fast speed. muipeng stared aft it awwed eyed.)
[convo in chi.]
jiaji: why? jealous?
muipeng: ya... i also wan.. can tell me how i can do it too??...
jiaji: yes. just sit on one.
muipeng: get me one..
jiaji: ok. better idea. ( points to road.) go there, get bang. there. you gt one. enjoy.
(hahas. then share said im veri sarcarstic. hehe.)
reached home and i bath. bath come out my bro playing comp so i went to sit on my bed listen songs and read my favourite bk. (not twilight. i dun hv those.) read a while i find the music irritating so i offed it. read somemore i put the bk down and look around my room. its veri messy. i took a soft toy beside me and look at it. idk y.
then suddenly hui min come in and ask me y i emo. i veri surprise. emo? hahas. then we chat a while, we went back watch her korean show. actually she want me join her but i hate korean shows. so i stayed in bed and thot abt 2dae, and listen to music on phone.
then my aunt come into the room. she ask me y i emo.(lolx another one.) then she kept asking me abt hows life going at the moment. i told her im rather happi. no more exams. the only problem pestering me is just art.
then tok tok tok le a while, i dunno tok until my hamster there, then i tink abt chippy, and idk y, i just suddenly started crying. lolx chippy died since 7/8/09 then i only cry until so jialat now. its like damn idiotic. and i dunno y also, suddenly miss her a lot. everwhere has her memories. the toilet, my bed, the kitchen, the living room, the windows the floor. well. just cos she had touched almost every tile of my hse b4, went to even the deepest corners and had found a way to get onto my bed and scramble around.(shes toilet trained so i allow.)
i tink i cried for a long time. my aunt still toking sense into me abt life and death. well. its not like i dun understand. i just miss her. i loved my hamster more than anything else in the world, even more than my ex-crushes probably. my first kiss's done by her. maybe its gross for some ppl. (especially tat shes a girl too.) but i nv regretted it. shes my bestest fren, favourite pet and a lot of tings r done wif her. then one day, she grew old and sick, and then suddenly leave me just like tat. Y DIDNT YOU BRING ME ALONG??? BLAST YOU CHIPPY.
gt her photos at my bedside. miss her... i want her. i still want her.
btw ppl, i decided not to download msn anymore. the reasons r simple.
1) i lost my passsword.
2) and the msn do not let me retrieve either email's password. gt prob temporary.
3) i do not noe which is the correct msn to download.
4) its ok anyway. not much will i chat.
5) now my frens wont spam me wif rubbish. ;D
yeah... see you.
In a dream, you appear
for awhile, you were here
So I keep sleeping
to keep you with me.
It's been in the past for awhile Still miss you babyAm I crazy?
It was real, It was right
But I burned to hot to survive
All that's left is all these ashesWhere does the love go?
I don't know
When it's all said and done
How could I be losing you forever?
After all the time we spent together?
I had to know why, I
had to lose you
Now you'll just become
Like everything I'll never find, again
at the bottom of the ocean.<3come back, chippy.prove the willing to give him up for you.oo one more thing.
my phone siao le. only can send sms, cnt receive sms. dunno y. so yeah. get the reason if i didnt reply you. i cant read it. in fact, i didnt even receive it. =]
and alongside, i cant sign into my stupid twitter acc. idk y. lucky i gt another acc ready. its for my gerbils in the future and yes i gt follow peter there. so gd.
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time: 9:35 AM
YES!!!!!!!!!!! exams r over over over over over!!!
and now's your turn. ;D jiayou! <3chem eoy just finish.
and now here, im veri happi. ^^ share told me my physics eoy result is 38/50! yay!! finally get A1 for physics.
no more stressing abt art le! finally no more! ^^ now stressing abt wat will i get... chem... passable... geog, also passable.... ss, maybe will fail... jiayous! =D
I want to be
the only one to get the chance
to see how amazing
you really are
To be your friend
was all I ever wanted;
to be your lover
was all I ever dreamed.
What is love?
Love is two vowels,
O & E.
Love is two consenents,
L & V.
Love is two fools,
you and me.
The hours I spend with you
I look upon as sort of
a perfumed garden,
a dim twilight,
and a fountain signing to it..
.you and you alone
make me feel that I am alive...
But I know it's not for the best.
So no matter how much
my heart is going to break,
I've got to let him go
so he can know
just how much I love him.
Maybe if I'm lucky,
he'll come back,
but if not,
I can make it through this.
And the wonder of it all
is that you just don't realize
how much I love you.
If you love me
only in my dreams,
let me be asleep forever.
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Time: 8:12 PM
tags replied...
MuiPeng: i tink paper one easier than paper two, but dunno y, all maii frens sae paper 1 easier than paper 2.
reply: editted. hahas.
MuiPeng: Thats what you post, Whats th difference. LOL ._____.
reply: yup editted.
robin: the guy must b folo u!!!!!!1hahaaha
reply: i agree he's sick. lolx! hahas. anybody whom follow me without me wanting them to is sick. yepyep. hahas.
Josen: wa? bian tai ppl folo u uh? next time shld walk to somewhr a lot of ppl =/
reply: cant help.. way home is like tat. =]
Josen: tml on ur way home take carez.. be aware of ur surroundings, or ask ur friend acc u home?
reply: 2dae no pigs. ^^
Josen: maybe jiaji meant by she thinks paper 2 easier thn paper 1.. m i rite?
reply: yep, editted. hahas.
Josen: but her friends thinks paper 1 easier thn paper 2..
reply: absolutely. ^^
MuiPeng: LOL, Jia Ji go edit le. That time she type wrong, LOL ._____.
reply: ;P
reply: =)
cherry cherry boomboom... ^^
i wish you the best on your way. loves..
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Time: 11:47 AM
2dae veri lolx.
i go skool and take the emaths paper 1. i tink paper two easier than paper one, but dunno y, all maii frens sae paper 1 easier than paper 2. paper 1 i nid to tink a lot. paper 2 i look at qn, straight noe how to do de. -,-
then aft the paper, i go find mdm sai. lolx. find her for art, but nv bring art. so she call me go home take.
as i walk home, theres tis ugly fat pig sae hello to me when i dun even noe him. -,- then i ignore him and just kip walking. wth he STARTED FOLLOWING ME!! i noe he is as he was looking at me then walking faster and faster. then i scared scared, i look around me. im somewhere near my home but the way to my home is more deserted than the tuck shop. plus i dun wan tat pig to noe where i live. so i made a dash for the tuck shop. in this type of situation, i wish wish wish wish wish wif all my heart tat im running as fast as a vampire. bcos, tat pig's catching up. i reached the tuck shop and pretended to look at sth. ( no money buy ting so just look lo.)
tat pig reached the shop too. then i made use of the time he buy ting, i ran away to home. and get the art. and walk back to skool wif precaution.
aft letting mdm sai see the art, i took a different way home. its longer. but as long as no wierd fat pigs are around, im happi alr.
omg its time i get ppl to company me home.
Date: Monday, October 12, 2009
Time: 10:32 PM

jigsaw online? lolx.
went to hougang mall to buy acrylic paper and study just now wif muipeng.....
actually want to but acrylic paper for tanapat and some other ppl. in the end, turn out tat left only four papers. lolx.
then went to the library to study. we cant find a gd spot to settle at so in the end, sit in a corner. then a auntie librarian come call us go eslewhere cos we r blocking. so we go children section. gt tables there. so sit there study lo. lolx the tables and chairs are veri veri short.
then me and muipeng over there laughing at a lot of things. then come an old auntie librarian call us quiet and sae tat table not meant for us. she gt attitude problem lurh. being angry, we decided to change location to study- kfc. got some feedback forms to complain abt tat old auntie on our way out. XP
filled it in at kfc. studied a while. suddenly a old granmother come and ask us buy toto. then we r like, what? then she bring out tissues ask us want buy anot. we veri gd, take sympathy on her, buy her tissues. turns out tat her tissue are $1.20 for two. my money flies... lolx..
at the end of the day, we came out wif tis quote. the quote outcome is an inside joke. ^^
flip a coin. one side is choice one, one side is choice two. and I FLIP!! Cool! Heads!! ^^ wait. what does heads means?
i love twilight.
i kept forgetting tat you've alr gone and yet i still kept looking for you. how dumb am i.Amaths paper just now.
i felt like scolding the paper and pen all the while im doing it.
only now how to do trigo and coordinate geog.
(omg ppl noe me more than i noe myself.) left a lot of qns blank. cos dunno how do. >< most only will get 15/70.
tmr emaths paper. tmr tmr art. fcuking art. then tmr tmr tmr is chem. nid study....
i look forward to end of chem paper.
Date: Friday, October 9, 2009
Time: 10:33 AM
oo yes!! hahas. my confidence is back! ^^
for 2dae and yst, im happi! ^^
physics, i noe i can pass le. emaths paper 2 also.
nx up, amaths, the sure fail. lolx. i failed amaths for the entire yr. can sae no hope liao.
physics paper 2dae. end at 9.15. the paper so thick, then i thot i wont hv enough time to do, and i forgotted plenty of formulas. lucky only cme out most of the formulas i rmb. ^^ all come out de all i gt learn. aft the exams, went to hougang point wif share. she wan buy sushi. and i long long nv go there alone wif her le. go wif share and muipeng tgt a lot, then they kip corrupt me. ;D share share alone then i can corrupt her. bcos she alone she dunno how 'attack ppl' hehe. gt mani against me, i dunno how reply back de. lolx. -,-
bought yogurt, bought exlink card sticker for maii new ezlink card then go home. go home tat time saw Tanapat they all. lolx at first i cant regonise so i anyhow hello back wen they call me. (cos i nv wear specs ma. cant see.) then i go nearer then realise is them. hahas. tok to them awhile. loox shafiq ask mii abt where is the provision shop then in the provision shop gt a toy machine. he describe the machine until veri cute. hahas. a lot of actions.
i reach home tat time, i saw two old man, idk hu, inside toking wif my granmother. i go in then go into my room. a while le i come out use comp. long long no use. ^^ then one of them, tell me hu they r. lolx at first he speak in hokkien then idk wat he toking. then he look at me and said: 'you speak hokkien?' in hokkien. i understood tat sentence so i shook my head. then he start telling me in chi. what he come frm malaysia, and is my ahma sister de i dunno hu. i cant hear well cos the other guy tok too loud. i just nod and smile. lolx....
cant wait for new moon!! huimin!! you said you will come watch wif mii de hor! ;D
Date: Monday, October 5, 2009
Time: 9:58 PM
yes of cos i miss you. every second of time without you makes life feels worthless to live on. and ive not been seeing you for days. and i wonder when will be our nx 'meeting', nx 'conversation' and first sms. I wish i could see you everyday, but all i can do, is look at yor photos everytime i miss you.i miss you, longed for you, yearns for you, aims for you, dreams about you, imagine life with you and me, but nth just cant seems to cure my love for you even though i wanted to stop doing so. its been so long alr, and i doubt you manage to notice me yet. its you and me together that will make me smile. i'll wait. =] ps: and its still yor fun and playful mood im looking forward to. love you, sweet thing.
how i wish id wake up one day, to find myself and all other humans in the world back to how we are as animals living in the wild instead of such high tech things. its so much simple. yeah and tat is how peace should be. not i hate you you hate me, tmr exams, 2dae study. envious of the wildlife. they dun get to see papers and problematic sums, and dun even get to experience hatred.
everyone has a common dream. peace. actually, its easy to that dream. but its the selfishness of ppl tat prevented tis sweet dream. ppl, dun you tink its time to let go and leave everything back to peace? if only humans could remain as the stupid animals, then two third the peace would be returned to the world. the other one third is natural disasters. lets do our part.i'd give up on you if you're just a minor crush and you do not respond well enough to me. if you're my major crush, i'd rmb you forever, even if you are alr taken. but stil, id wish we can be tgt.
theres two damn irritating stuff:
1st, i 4gt my msn and hotmail password.
nx, i went to amk hub today, wanting to buy acrylic paper and develop my art photos.
i took the acrylic papers. and forgotten to buy it!! fcuk la! i suppose i'll buy it tmr..
aft skool gt two hrs b4 tuition so can ba.. nvm i go hougang mall popular check. ^^
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2009
Time: 9:50 PM
im a bit like, damn sad.
computer reformatted... ok let me start with the story frm yst..
yst, i saved all my pics into my thumbdrive, deleting them frm cam as i 4gt i had to approve it in cam. then thumbdrive not enough space. so i put four of them in computer, forgetting tat its going to be formatted. poof. four major pics gone. those deleted r my favourites as well.. the crabs... i took a lot of effort to move the cam into a correct position to get a nice clear shot of the crabs and poof! ><
nx, they formatted my msn as well. now no more msn until the end of exams. then, my internet is now the older version and the firefox is also formatted away. and also, my computer acc's gone..... and now my comp cnt type chi again.. sian!!
just bcos i 4gt...
2dae wake up at 9. then study physics at 10 until 11.30. chap 1 measurement. took mii a long time to rmb how to read the vernier calipers. 12pm, meet muipeng and went to eat tgt at hougang mall, aft tat go tuition at 1 wif her. tuition frm 1pm, until 7.45pm. it was suppose to end at 5. but since the teacher can stay back and muipeng had to do art, i stay wif her and do SS. i did SS for 3hr, eng for 1hr, slack for 1/2 hr and geog for 1/2hr and then SS again until the end.
then went to hv dinner wif muipeng. she was smsing her stead. then i tok to her abt some really stupid guys... red guy, white guy and black guy. and she 4gt to reply her stead bcos she's too engross in toking abt those guys. hehe.
i kip saying tat im going to die in eoy to the teacher in tuition. amaths, emaths, eng, chi, physics, chem, ss, human geog, art, all dying. preparing not to kana thru train... sobs....
tmr still have to go out for art. fcuk. i hate art. and its taking up all my precious time meant to study. say what, must committed. commited to art then no mid do other subject liao lo. like tat also no use ma. wa lou. they anyhow de lo. can i just drop it???? grr!!...
the test.
Date: Saturday, October 3, 2009
Time: 9:32 PM
yst pics.. ^^
yst nv post cos im 'drunk' hahas, share noes. im dead beat yst aft all tat walk.
i love the beach best. then im busy 'teaching' the girls abt swash, backwash, gabions, breakwater... hahas. cos i just love physical geog! ^^
oo. and the rusty pic is frm friday.

i just grabbed two big big toys to take photos.

cute dog. and its soft too!

me. random shot.

horse. cute pose..

the zoo?

share and her sharkie

ikea's soft toys

ikea's turtle

carlisle frm the bk.

carlisle at the beach. ;D

muipeng enjoying herself

rusty. frm fri.

and the rest of my photos r for art. not posting. gtg le bb!
breakout- miley cyrus.
(nope tis is not my blogsong yet. i find the lyrics suits me. ^^)
Every week's the same
Stuck in school, so lame
My parents say that I'm lazy
Getting up at 8, is crazy
Tired being told what to do
So unfair
So uncool
Day's too long
And I'm holding on
Till I hear the bell ring
Cause it's the time when, the time when
We're gonna breakout,
Let the party start,
We're gonna stay out,
Gonna break some hearts,
We're gonna dance till the dance floor falls apart,
Uh-Oh! all over again,
We're gonna wake up,
Everyone we know ,
We're gonna have some fun,
Gonna lose control,
Feels so good, to let go-oh-oh
Hangin' out is just something we like to do
With my friends and the mess we get into,
These are the lessons that we choose
Not a buck for the things we'll never use
The day's too long
and I'm holding on
Till I hear the bell ring
Cause it's the time when, the time when
We're gonna breakout,
Let the party start,
We're gonna stay out,
gonna break some hearts,
we're gonna dance till the dance floor falls apart,
Uh-Oh! all over again,
We're gonna breakout,
Everyone we know,
We're gonna have some fun,
We're gonna lose control,
It feels so good,to let go
I wish it would never end
Spendin' time with my friend
Oh, with my friends
We're gonna breakout,
Let the party start,
We're gonna stay out,
gonna break some hearts,
We're gonna dance till the dance floor falls apart,
Uh-Oh! all over again,
We're gonna wake up,
Everyone we know,
We're gonna have some fun,
We're gonna lose control,
It feels so good,to let go
We're gonna breakout,
Let the party start,
We're gonna stay out,
gonna break some hearts,
We're gonna dance till the dance floor falls apart,
Uh-Oh! all over again,
We're gonna wake up,
Everyone we know,
We're gonna have some fun,
We're gonna lose control,
It feels so good,to let go
tags replied..........
Cherie: Haha, yahs : D
reply: ^^
robin: read my blog
reply: ok. ;D
robin: n im scared too
reply: i dun believe you.
MuiPeng: Tag tag tag : D
reply: yepyep thks. ^^
Garfield: hihi =) tagged =) for the qn u posted on monday sep28.. use double angle formula..
reply: uh.. i dun rmb learning tat.. or did i? didnt listen in class. hahas.
Garfield: was tat a proving qns? if its a proving qns thn use double angle formula
reply: nope. proving is not in my syllabus. nvm. my home tutor taught mii how to do le. ^^ thks anyways.
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009
Time: 6:08 PM
went around taking photos of my neighbourhood playgrounds just now for art. then i saw dogs. and i thot: the park is a playground for dogs too! and i went to borrow rusty........
presenting to you....

rusty!! miss him??
tat damn pic is actually 1.97MB so it took a long time uploading into tis blog.
i promised them tat i'd visit as soon as exams r over. im going. no matter share going anot. ^^ muipeng u wan go?? hahas. its like rusty is out of our lives alr. time to bring him back! ;D
art is so irritating! so mani tings to do and i still gt other subjects! tmr going all over pasir ris to take the pics. oo yes!! the beach's my playground!! im going to enjoy it back there. long long no play there le.
oo, and theres one game in facebk tat im currently addicted to: animal paradise!

maybe u can play it too. i like it. the animals r cute. and the veri last chap, u get to own a tiger, a in a farm! hahas.
ok gtg bb........ go studiiieeee le.
last yr, i walked into the examinations room wif confidence tat the exams would be easy to pass. tis yr, i walk into the examinations room with fear that i'd fail. omg. what is the reason in the change? i nid more inspiration!!