Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Time: 8:49 PM
maii tuition plans is sorted for tis term. i would b tuitioning for weekdays for tis term only. i just hope tat term three would hv lesser activities on saturdays... :D
oo and i bought maii chippy a new towel!! ^^
btw, im going beijing for the bicultural. haha.. hope tat tis one wun confiscate handphones like the bintan camp..
i read the tb 2dae... and under the coast chap, pg 147 theres tis part which told us abt the longest spit in USA... dungeness spit!! hahax..

nth more to post le so bb!! ^^
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009
Time: 5:36 PM
maii niece..
sammi koh!! =p
she veri cute hahax..
the pic taken frm maii cousin blog. then tis pic veri cute, i go and copy and paste. ;D
u can sae its cute during PE 2dae..
gt two cheries in the Na stream.
cherie pang and
cherie wong.then shutter-run for pe....
cherie fell down and scrape her knee, gt wound on her hand and leg.
cherie came and help.
cherie told
cherie to wash the wound in the toilet.
cherie sae she go take first aid kit.
cherie washed the wound in the toilet.
cherie waited for
cherie in the toilet.
cherie waited for
cherie in the sick bay.
in the end,
cherie stop waiting for
cherie in the toilet.
cherie went to look for
cherie in the sick bay instead.
cherie washed
cherie's wound.
cherie applied dressing for
cherie's wound.
cherie and
cherie chatted a little little.
cherie wong is the first aider,
cherie pang is the casualty.
two ppl frm 310 fell down. one boy one gal.
first aiders frm 309 and 308 helped. boys and gals.
310 first aiders...uh.. i didnt see them in the sick bay.
two 309 ppl r the main first aider-the one hu applied the dressings all tis. one boy one gal.
one 309 and one 308 is helper. one boy one gal too.
the casualty,the boy is more serious,cherie only feel pain for the hand wound. the leg de she no feeling at all. well..cherie nort scared pain ma.. hahas..cherie clean cherie's wound tat time, cherie told cherie tat she saw herself cleaning the wound, she also feel the pain as she looks at the wound.heehees. cherie told mii tat cherie sae will pain,but she only feel little pain. lolx?!
tmr sports dae...sigh...first aid duty. later ppl fall down, i dunno wat to do except call him/her sit down and rest,while i pour water on the wound--cos tats wat i often do wen i myself fall down. i wash the wound then leave it there to dry le, no much special tings tat i do to it. minor ting ma.
cherie told mii tis:
she veri suei. pri skool tat time she walk home frm skool, fall down, the maths bk she holding flew into the drain. then gong to rain le, cherie faster to fetch her bk back and ran to a nearby shelter, then i started pouring. and she felt so suei.hahax...and tis is so cute-- maii little tortoise is on sally..
end maii post here. cheers!! =]
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Time: 9:59 PM
tis skool and cca of mine is getting more irritating. at first i tink tis skool is rather nce. now it sux!! lots!!
sho mani events happening on maii saturdays!! and saturdaes r maii most busy time of the wk!! morning tuition, afternoon fwenship time cos mii and mp only came tg once a wk, at nite cousins all come visit, also once a wk style, must not miss. and tis freaking skool told mii to go for a sports dae and nx wk home coming dae.then maii cca also loves having camps or shits like tat on saturdays too. like tat how to go for tuition?! so now the teachers wan mii to change time slot to a wk dae. cos sundae no class and lots of ppl wan to go for saturdae slot too but i wan to stay in the saturdae slot!! other dae gt cca or late let go frm skool..
kanasai la!! i gt two tuition, one wk six hr, the two hr is home tuition, the other four nid go hougang mall there tuition. cca grab so much time frm mii. wheres maii recreation time then?? i so happi tis fridae no cca. i'd sleep back the time they owe mii. =] now im worrying how am i going to replace maii timing. i wan to stay saturday!! but they sae 4 lesson, i gt two lessons must change timing de. they cant help it either. well?! i cant either!!
blame it on mii for scoring the rong aggregate for psle. ><
Date: Sunday, March 22, 2009
Time: 3:54 PM
this is very wth;wen im in camp, my bro dunno do wat, made my papa veri angry. then my papa angry, he just started anyhow throwing things around.then dunno how he gt two of my DVD tat i just bought in his hands then he threw it at maii bro, the DVD cases broke.then i came back frm camp. maii bro blamed mii for buying those DVD. then i immediately regretted coming home so early.
wth rite?! i feel like slapping him sia...
aww.. i dun wan him anymore... throw him away! he's so idiotic sia.. yep. i said tat but i dun mean it.. i just wan him to stop toking to mii. ><
back frm bintan camp yst...
tis pic i took on the first dae of the camp, its b4 the bag check..

its fun!! haha. i only hate the cip and hill trek.. the cip made mii black and the hill trek gave mii 5 mosquitoe bite. if i nv went for the cip and hill trek, i tink i can go home without any suntan or mosqitoe bites.. ><
bus trips to bintan...

tanapat veri entu during the camp, which made her manage to lose her voice. the nice ting is, she is maii class's best camper!! congrats, tanapat..! ^^
and tis is mii and kor.. ^^

mit alex at the camp. he is a small small cute boy. the first time i saw him, he showed off how he can do at the obstacles course and he do until so cute sia!! hahax...
the heartland twins wif alex...

alex's hse...
the obstacles course tat alex went through easily..
1st station

2nd station 3rd station
fourth station
fifth station
sixth station
and the class photos..
the toilets veri scary and full of mosquitoes..
smelly place..

the view in front of the smelly toilet- a rubbish dump and a well tat share's so afraid of.
mosquitoe bridge
dark bathroom
this basin area has the most mosquitoes..><
and the girls' bunk
bintan's waters are so shiny!!
wen the sea subsided...
lots of crabs scrambling around but i didnt take their pics.
gt chance, i wan go again. despite of all irritating moment, its still veri fun!! ^^
bye bintan!!

Date: Monday, March 16, 2009
Time: 4:00 PM
im looking forward to the camp in bintan on wednesday. but tat doesnt mean i like the timing.they should not hv conducted it during the hoilidays which means minusing 4 daes away frm mii to do maii everyting tat i wanna do in the holidays, making mii busier than ever!! later gt home tuition. tonite, i wan to complete or do maii art. its due on wednesday!!
the pic i promised to show natalie.. yep, the donut for hammies..
and tis ish wat ive been trying to put on blog for a long time; maii waordrobe bit mii cos i wanna close it, and everyone thot i cut myself wen they saw maii injury.. -_-"
i took tis friendly cat's pic. share loves the look of the tail in tis pic.. ^^
the pics of vivo we taken the other dae..

were wanting u to guess whos whose leg is these.

this is in vivo top floor??lolx..

i tink i look funny in here..(my fringe gt extra ting)

we were showing off our little miss tees cos we were all wearing little miss-es(nort little mrs)

leave a footprint..
and tis post will end just like tis. ^^
Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009
Time: 11:30 PM
went to vivo wif cherie and mui peng 2dae. a mixture of funny and scary moments...
funny: we were all taking pictures in the pool and taking care not to fall into the water when a machine gun(tats hu i called hu ran in the water wildly and anyhow splashing) ran too near to us. all of us scream and backed off. without any valid reason, the machine gun started chasing cherie around the pool. poor cherie had to run to prevent the water frm splashing onto her.. and the more she ran, the more wet she became. in the end, she ran onto the 'land', meanwhile mii and mui peng still laughing. suddenly, the machine gun turned to us, and splashed her way here. screaming, mii and mui peng ran in seprate directions, i ran towards the 'land' and i dunno where mui peng ran to. so i looked for her and realise tat its her turn to get chased by the machine gun. HAHAHA!! but mui peng still managed to get upon land. ok. then tats nort funny anymore cos none of us fell into the water. >< the machine gun ran up to touch mui peng and sae:' i caught u!! now its yor turn to catch mii!!' and the machine gun ran off. DIAOS!!
the machine gun hu chased us ish an ang mo lang btw..
scary moments: we were walking towards daiso aft taking more failing shots and a few happi shots. then suddenly a grp of guys, whom we duno hu, started coming towards us. then one of them suddenly sae: 'hey xiao jie, ta shuo tat yao ni de dian hua hao ma.'(hey little miss, he said he wanted yor number.) he was toking to mui peng. so i kind of 'phew' and went on walking and we all ignored those flirty guys.
hu noes?? one of them followed us into daiso and continued pestering us for mui peng's number. omg!! scary!! dun give, will they do anyting?? omg.. how?? then we hurried away. then wen im buying maii ting, share and mui peng went out of the shop to avoid those guys hu were stalking us, one of those guys blamed mii for nort encouraging mui peng to give the number. then i was like: yeah?? u r stranger and i dun like strangers, full stop.and i dun care them. i buy maii tings le, i cant find share or mui peng. then suddenly i find them so emo in a corner. they told mii mui peng gave those guys the number le. wth!!
dun wan tok bout it anymore... it gives mii the creeps.. if u wanna noe more just ask mui peng(the victim) or share(the victim number two)
and i lost sth tats veri valuable to mii. veri sad over it.... sobs....
Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Time: 10:15 PM
my tummy start to pain frm the moment i stepped out of maii hse, then i thot tis is sth little, a while will ok le, and so continued the way to skool. but it gt more pain instead and i rushed to the toilet during chem lesson to put on medicated oil, but as soon as i put it on, why but i suddenly like, just vomitted. there issnt any toilet paper there and im having a serious stomachache... lolx.
lucky for mii, samantha came and look for mii so i told her to get some for mii. then tummyache until i cant tahan anymore, i went home.
veri tired aft so much pain, i slept in the sick bay while waiting for maii papa to come. lolx, then he came and take mii to see doc, and maii mama sae nid wait 1/2 hr so the both of them go eat their breakfast, i sit there watch them eat.. -_-" in the end went to see doc at 4.30 instead cos the doc didnt came so i went home to sleep until 3.30pm then i go eat maii lunch wif maii mama wen im feeling somehow better, then see doc for mc, now tat she there le.. hahax.
feeling a lot a lot better le, i went to hougang point buy sth wif maii bro, went home watch tv, then eat dinner, then bla bla bla.. ai ya, y am i telling so much in maii blog?? ><
hope i tmr dun tummyache again. its not nice at all.
maii sis intro mii tis website.
build yor squidthe squid veri funny. hahas.
i made three squids: happi dog, family baby and fantastic.
tis website is so lame... hahax
Date: Monday, March 9, 2009
Time: 6:37 PM
came back quite late frm skool 2dae..
cos raining, i gt umbrella but mii ana share share's hands r full of tings and we dun wan hold it so stayed under a hbd flat and chatted.
veri irritating: gt a cat loitering abt near us, and its raining so i gave it a box to stay away frm the cold cos its shivering, then suddenly we chat halfway, two xinmin pri kids go and disturb it. they took away the box and tried to catch it wif another bigger box. i ended up telling the kids off cos im like, damn angry wif them for disturbing it. then i tell share, aft they went away,:' if yvonne was here, she confirm sae i veri fierce de. hahax'..
saturday going for tuition,then wan visit rusty, then perhaps go jurong swimming pool wif mui peng and share. long long nv go le. misses the pools and slides.. ^^
oo ya, and i veri happi my cca camp ish over.^^. tis yr mani new sec ones veri irritating...
and yeah!! fwenship private blog almost done gals... log in wif our email.
private blogim kinda excited for the bintan trip. maii first time going overseas.. hahax..
Date: Thursday, March 5, 2009
Time: 11:59 PM
currently im veri excited and looking forward to maii end of march camp even though the whole camp hadnt even start yet. ><
2dae in art class veri funny. yvonne kip on making mii and cherie laugh. then she sae she's so suei, sitting beside some ppl hu veri easy laugh de- cherie,annabelle and mii!! heehee. ^^ omg i dunno how cherie spend her childhood sia. last time dunno childhood rhymes, 2dae found out she dunno how play one childhood game,santa claus. >< shes nids her lao gong to teach. hahax. ;]
then wen sometimes cherie or yvonne disturb mii, i just snap at them, suddenly they tell mii im like so fierce,then cherie sae i should b tat fierce in cca. lol!! like, i dun even like to punish ppl especially tat i duno them so well rite?! plus, the idea of scolding maii juniors, er.. id feel like a bully if i anyhow scold ppl smaller than mii... >< gt ting nicely tell la.. alamak... -.-"
and quarell wif cherie veri fun nia.. her comments all veri funny de. ^^ maii cca de comments sometimes also veri funny, hahax. the ic of a squad stand to close, the ppl behind will shout to the ic whether they r going kiss the squad, then i first time hear it tat time, i almost laugh. hahahax!!
aft skool cca meeting. saturday must perform le then we still hv so much dance part not sure. sigh... and i like nurul's cheer. its like, so nice can?! ^^
tis camp made mii miss out a lot of tings.
tuition, swimming wif fwens, cousin bdae, fo tang, and last but nort least, maii sleep time. ><
NA camp in 18 march at other country. wth, so mani camps in a row sia.. training camp= must run here run there upon command, like training dogs like tat sia!!
tmr chi test, then maii idiom tat im suppose to learn words frm, purposely go missing. then just now pack maii cca bag de time, also a lot of tings missing, but in the end found, and then another ting, i just realise tat maii one and only digital watch no batt, left only analog type,plus maii those type ish kind of childish, those tat i only use for maii hamsters. hv to borrow frm maii neighbour, which is not a digital either.. -,- wth... purposely call mii bring these tings tat i dun hv or lost it or watever...
so less ppl go bicultural ><
bb sisters and cousins, wont b able to mit u guys tis weekend.. :(
ooya, and bb chippy bibi, dun let anyting happen to u wen im nort home ok?? dun fight. ^^
see ya soon!! ^^
Date: Monday, March 2, 2009
Time: 6:40 PM
its raining cats and dogs outside now. and just seconds aft i reach home then it started pouring. veri irritating. then also wen im running to go home b4 the rain falls, gt a veri big wind blowing then i almost gt 'pushed' down by it. i went to hid behind a wall.. veri irritating tat wind... >< bleah!!
and natalie, i nx time then post the donuts here cos i no time-gtg soon.
bye and stay happi, everyone! ^^