Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009
Time: 2:07 PM
finally changed maii mouse and tis is a lot easier to use. haha.
long long nv visit rusty wif share share le. sigh..
i decide tmr then i go serangoon buy maii hammy food cos going there wif nat..
sobs sobs..y ish march camp so soon?? :'(
Date: Friday, February 27, 2009
Time: 10:13 PM
cca test 2dae veri unlucky. i go there then suddenly 4gt everyting tat i studied th dae b4 so most of the time im like tinking of wat to do nx. and even worse, i tink i mixed up mani of the procedure, i 4gt to tell CL yong qing about wat im doing, i missed out a lot of sns, i tie the bandage too loose and too slow, untie maii bandage i also accidentally untie the other way round, turning it into a dead knot then maii vision also kept on going blur. i dunno y they put a broom there so extra at first. then suddenly i rmb. 'shit!! 4gt its called an obstacle!!' but its already too late..
so bad, CL yong qing nv let mii report to him b4 everyting, and bcos i memorise everyting by sequence, and the first part alraedy i missed it out when i spended the most time memorising tat part for 1/2hr yst. its like so wth can?! sure fail sure fail sure fail. and at the end of activity baudin nid to cheer. sgt kenneth wan us shout and its not like i nv shout. is the other ppl voice can overpower mine..i use tat volume at home and everyone tell mii to quiet down. so wtf, he wan mii to do it solo nx wk. i wan b sick nx wk lurh!!!
i like toking to maii bro cos he everytime tok veri funny de.. haha. just now i tok to him about how stupid cartoons were. those warner bros cartoon like road runner, the fox can turn into a spring and everyting still allrite in him..hahaha!!and we tried some of the stun in some cartoons like tat time we saw one cartoonated boy, his hands r handcuffed behind him, the boy jump up, the hands he brought it in front so pro..then we start calling him a baby superman cos the boy jump frm a high tower, he still can stand on the floor down there lolx. baby winnie the pooh, baby bugs bunny, baby superman. lolx. lame sia..
hahax. i hope everyone can hear mii in footdrill on its test. cos ive been trying to practice shouting across the room cos maii sis ish the only one at maii home hu cant hear mii especially wen shes into sth like reading a bk then i hv to shout until the whole building can hear, but she stil cant hear mii. so everytime i had to go forward and grab her bk away and shout tings in her ear cos she 'cant hear'. wth sia....
Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009
Time: 8:52 PM
tis veri wth. sec 3 life so busy. hard to find some time to go out wif share let alone buy maii hammy food which is going to finish. maybe saturday i chiong there buy b4 maii ATT meeting..
i miss maii 208'08!! i miss all the fun tat everyone been in. all those ppl hu enjoy toking back to the teachers and acts like getting chased out of the class by the teacher is the coolest ting ever. and most of all, i wan same class wif share share again!! wif her around, i doubt i'd b able to sleep in class cos there would b someone hu i can tok to non-stop nort like the ppl in maii class whom i dunno them well, which means i duno which ting they like to tok abt, which means nth to tok about. tat probably explains the quietness of mii in class..
yvonne and xiu wei in the art class 2dae veri funny. yvonne sae shes really wondering wat mii and share had been toking abt all tis while, tok until so happi kip on laughing. haha. well... we tok abt our...personal stuff and funny tings we both experience wen each other nort around. which means i noe almost all updates of share's class and share noes mine. and i gave her a lao gong which she loves veri much, her lao gong gt lots of nicky de. hahas.. chat wif share can laugh a lot de. veri fun to tok to de. cherie pang.
and xiu wei kip on teasing cherie wif mii. heehees.. and cherie actually duno the children chi rhyme, 'you zi lin' and we asked a lot of ppl hu noes wat it is. omg she only noe the 'chuang qian ming yue guang' rhyme de first sentence. wth. she sae second sentence ish 'di shi di shang shuang' wth its 'yu shi di shang shuang!!' wth, lol... she nid go back nursery to learn..
tmr cca test. must go study. if not later fail le march camp maybe tio camp IC as sir wen bin sae.. wth so scary, must shout de later shout untill no voice then.. waaah!! hates!!
and tis ish maii bao bei chippy & bibi...

Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Time: 8:34 PM
tis year so fast pass de.. in a blink of an eye, its going to be march very soon, and tats a quarter of the year le!! so fast.. and most of all... so fast going to be st john de tests soon.. then the evil camp. then finally holidays!! yay!! can sleep.
ok seriously, tis yr really pass by veri quick. i thot it was still early feb or late jan then suddenly i see maii calender, date ish 20+ le. omg...
went to hougang mall wif cherie 2dae to check out the price of acrylic paint and i also bought a board for maii art lasalle project. the acrylic paint cheapest and most 'worth it' $15+. share price wif share, its $7 to $8 each. wth.. bankrupt soon...
and i just realised tis. the L1R5 or watever shit they said about in o levels, i had only 5 subjects to b best so all of them nid an A!! cos im taking combined humans and sci. freak. which means i mus'nt sleep or wat in any lessons at all but sometimes i still cant help it. the cher too boring.. and once a wk, i gt a two hour maths lesson at home and a four hour tuition at hougang mall tat side. which make 6 hours practically out of maii freedom time. cca, one wk ish 6 to 7 hr plus per wk, which deducted 13 hrs out of maii wk, tat means almost one whole dae of bo liao-ness.
cca train so much. then all we get for our future ish only at most 2 cca point, y dun we just study ourselves. give mii maii 7 hours back!! ><> which i dun tink its worth it...
and 2dae i went home wif a piece of gd news and a piece of bad news to tell maii mama. she just acknowledged them without much comments. gd news ish, maii physic gt A1. bad news ish, i fail maii E maths. lolx. must study hader for maths and earn maii A1 back!! but tis irritating maths cher of mine set qn so tricky, so hard!! ><
i let maii mama see the bicultural form. at first i expected her not to let mii go on any of the trips so i didnt pin much hopes on her.(i didnt go overseas b4) so im pretty surprised wen she asked mii which trip i wanted to go. haha..
wan got thru train nx yr. must start revising now to avoid disappointment. yeah!!
Date: Monday, February 23, 2009
Time: 10:48 PM
sianz.... its another new dae tmr.. 2dae pass by so fast!!
go skool study, go hougang point eat, go home slack, then eat, then watch tv then bla bla bla, now going to sleep.
my tummy there grow some sort of ting there veri pain.. then tuck in shirt veri difficult cos will rub against it aft tat pain. bleah!!
mani ppl like to ask mii nowadays:
them: u wear contacts ha? wheres yor specs?
mii: kept. i dun feel like wearing it anymore. veri mafan.
them: then u still can see?!
mii: yep... (tinking: u cant see if u remove yor specs meh? i can see the board in class can le)
but i still cant see the board in art class and chi class cos i sit veri far frm the board, so i still brng it to skool just in case. BUT, wen i rmb to bring, i dun nid it and wen i 4GT to bring, i SERIOUSLY nids it. suei.
2dae i go see the cca board. saw tat their test so close le and i still dunno the timings for footdrills and maii basic firstaid knowledge sux. most probably tat i dun like the subject. i dun study subjects tat i dun like.. like i love geog, i study it often, i hate chem cos nid to memorise it, i dun wan care it le. then maii tis cca nid memorise tings de. i dun like. ><
gotta go......
Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009
Time: 2:21 PM
2dae went to fo tang. yeah!! yunwei, shu hui and joanne all nv pang sei mii,they gt come. ^^
just now maii sis accidentally hit maii bro wif a chair and hit his nose, maii bro tinks veri pain then he cried(aiya still small ma..) guess wat maii sis did??
she screamed to everyone:' I DIDNT DO IT ON PURPOSE(in chi)' then she started crying too and stormed away. lolx. then i stare at her blur blur. she nv even see how ish maii bro doing and she went away tinking everyting ok le. wth. crazy gal. then the entire hse veri noisy, suddenly maii comp hang down there cant move le. lolx...
cherie agreed wif us tat she loved the zebra. she didnt create blog as she had promised.(unless u r cherie or one of us frm the fwenship blog, u may not noe wat im toking bout.) so.. share share... YEAH!! ;]
Date: Friday, February 20, 2009
Time: 7:35 PM
maii comp gt virus again. y everytime gt virus de nia?! thenhad to re-format everyting and had to re-download everyting, and those games in the comp had to re-complete everyting...blabla.
btw, 2dae 3pm gt first aid remedial. then i 3pm then reach skool so i cant find any of them and i went walking around to look for them. saw mdm sai, ask her qn bout art, then saw mr faiz, chatted a while then i saw sheryl and shi wei also walking around so i tag along cos they also going for the remedial. the venue turned out to b at class 109... lolx.
just now maii granma gimme a giraffe made of beads. veri cute. hahax. pink and white de. heehee. and so tmr tuition, only 2 hr tis time so aft maii tuition i go compass while waiting for mp to finish her tuition. dunno whether share ish coming along...
all ritez.. gotta go eat dinner le.
i noe tis post veri short...
Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Time: 11:18 PM
2dae so sad la!! get pangsei by sho mani ppl...
pang sei by cherie she went home without mii aft skool.
pang sei by jasmine she went home without mii aft cca.
sunday tat time i also gt pang sei by fwens frm fo tang, they all nv come for 1st lesson.. joanne, yun wei and shu hui!! joanne sae she nv come i dunno reason, yun wei sae she gt test(actually nort heard frm her de, is i at the registration there saw somebody registering for her sae she studying for test.) shu hui also nv come for no reason. so i gt pang sei then tat dae so mani boys there so noisy cos they tok so loud!! XP
cherie de ear spoil le. she must have been listening to ear pieces too much then set on full blast. mii or li zhen tok to her, she cannot hear de then sometimes i tok to her,i thot i toking to the wall or sth..
i nid buy more essential oil le. maii hse ran out of them so now cannot use the oil burner to make some really nice smell around the hse..
and share share ya... dun so emo ok?? i noe u thinking of yor stead nia but u alraedy hv a gastric painkiller and a lao gong in skool, no nid 4eva tink of stead de. u rmb yor stead de hp number veri clearly le rite?? then maii hp number u just memorise only. bleah!!>< bad fwen!! ;D
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Time: 11:46 PM
found these in one of maii fwens frm imeem de profile. cute. hahax.

and mui peng introduced mii tis song. quite nice..
clickie hereoo ya!! and mui peng.. there was tis guy trying to stead her and she kept on whining to mii. so i told her to b cruel and reply in a way tat would made tat guy sad, she bu ren xin, then start whing again. heehee. u dun wan use maii method then solve the prob yorself ba.^^
hahax. i wan buy new bag le. i saw one nice one at compass last saturday. ^^ wanna buy it tis saturday aft tuition while waiting for mui peng. cos i splited the timing one of them i use to study chem for tis thur's chem test. nid to rmb mani tings. will stress nia... then 2dae SS test i almost 4gt lots of tings!! then last minute everyting came into maii mind. >< perhaps i didnt study hard enough..
tmr cca again. if maii cca dun hv tis ting called promotion test and march camp, i'd probably had more sleeping time. i had lack of sleep recently and i once in a while had to had naps or sleep in class to make up for tat. then due to i having a nap 2dae, i 4gt to call maii home tutor come teach mii maths. then i dunno how to do the tings tat the teacher teached 2dae. >< tmr gt cca to quite late so plus dinner and time to bath and study for chem, id not hv anytime for the tuition, so thursday will b the best time. just one day b4 maii maths test!! omg..
the floor nx to maii table is damn messy now. cos i was looking for maii art stuff then maii table quite small so i cant possibly put every subject one the table nia..
cherie pang, u pro sia. u nv return calls i gave wen u busy de. some attitude.. ><><
maii sis de fwen wan hammy. then she also wan mii help her buy cage. then she haven gimme $$!! wth, she tink my sis so rich must pay for her meh?! irrtating!! i dun care, by tis wk, she didnt gimme the $$, id give the hammy to somebody else. then if she still wan hammy and cage, buy herself. im getting fed up wif her. i nv even seen her b4 nia!! wanna slap her. bleah!! ><
and i hate yst's total defence. li zhen sweat like a tap. hahax!! stupid cherie escaped by having fever then she slacked the day at home while we all sweat like hell in the field. share share, u nid to eat more k?! dun always sick, u can do it!! eat just a little more everyday and eventually u can quit skipping meals. ^^
Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009
Time: 10:14 AM
yst went swimming at sengkang wif mui peng. gt cramp in right leg twice in a row, and both times at the side of the pool. lolx. cherie sae she monday maybe wont come to skool as shes sick. and tmr she going to hv a SS test!! omg and exactly at the dae when i absent last wk, i also missed a SS test. ;D
then yst nite went to play badminton downstairs wif maii two cousins and little brother. mii and one of maii cousin, hui min, we kept on saying: 'zen me da de ma?! zhen shi de!!' (how u hit one?? zhen shi de!![i dunno de eng translate for tis])or 'aiyoyo..' whenever maii brother or cousin miss the ball, then veri funny, maii brother bu fu qi, sae: 'then ni men hen li hai meh??'(then u all veri gd meh??) heehee
then we play halfway suddenly maii cousin xu kang hit his own middle finger. at forst we dunno but maii cousin realise tat he ish sitting on the floor dun wan get up, we all ran to him ask wat happen. then she call my brother go up call xu kang father here. wtf, he stroll there at first!! then i veri angry and call him run.
then aft xu kang father bring him up, maii brother, maii cousin and mii went to the playground then we take turn making each other dizzy cos we turn the ting can spin then they all almost flew out. maii brother dunno how to spin de he turn like we playing merry-go-rounds like tat. hahahax, we play until 10plus then went back. then i took some photos wif maii cousin. she veri chio rite?? gt stead le. ^^

yep... ^^
Date: Friday, February 13, 2009
Time: 9:51 PM
2dae ish a long long dae...................
go skool then everyone give tis give tat to each other, then cherie tell mii veri disgusting cos she thot valentine r only for couples, then fwens like tat give each other like lestbians like tat.. lolx. then during recess gt the song dedications ting, i made fun of cherie sae scarly TIS PARTICULAR PERSON which i made him a boyfwen of cherie, i tell her, he dedicate the whole world songs to her. hahax..
then yst we go hougang mall i also made fun of her. she sae sth cute of nice oe sth, i tell her, ask *tat*somebody*of *hers* to buy for her. then she walk walk walk, she sae she wan faint le, then i tel her, i call *tat*somebody*of *hers* to bring her home safely. hahahax, then she sae she nort fainty anymore. yeah!! gd way to waking her up lurhs...
then 2dae de cca veri special, start at 3 instead of usual 2:30. yeah!! gt more time to slack at home le.. ;D then cherie come to maii hse and we matchmaked some of our fwens like mui peng, shearel, sherry and they all almost always stick wif the same some guy they been wif for ages in our matchmake game. gt yuan ma... ;D
mui peng!! u really kip on going wif tat guy leh!! in future must invite mii to the both of yor de wedding horx!! ;D but try to marry later la. enjoy the privilege of receiving ang baos at cny first. ;)
yup, so at the cca, sir wen bin sae the promotion test coming soon, those hu fail may kana camp ic. wth, i must work hard le. i dun wan kana camp ic. veri scary being some sort of ic.. during the common break then all the cs members make the drink tat time, we poured out some cups for the sec ones then left one cup, syafiqah, elaine, annabelle and mii take the cup then share drink. how we noe, we didnt count how mani sec one and in the end, we found out we lack of one drink for sec ones, so cpl isaac go take the cup tat we used to drink frm, at first he dunno we drank frm it b4, so he go and fill up de cup, fill halfway le then somebody tell him, i 4gt hu, but he sae, nvm is sec one drink also not he drink. so bad la!! XP
aft cca met up wif jasmine to go home tgt.she wan buy bubble tea so we went to bubble tea store, it made her veri angry cos she wait there so long still nort served. hahax..
still, 2dae veri long. tmr and the dae aft will b busy. but veri soon, the march camp will come. RAWRS!! i hate march camp.
and, share: i wan make more presentations for u. hahahax. veri funny.. ;D
Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Time: 2:47 PM
everyone will always remember there
past times..
we share them with our
friends and family
I sometimes wish
im still in my childhood year
it was so much fun,
playing with my cousins
going to fun places.
Elderly people share it with
the grandkids
I miss my childhood year: (
although i'll never forget it
it'll always be in my heart were
it would never go away.
Date: Monday, February 9, 2009
Time: 9:01 PM
2dae another important event happen. one more yuan fen of share and someone, 4eva so qiao one. tat time yor mama scold tat cher, shes going against the will of heaven wors.. gt yuan fen like tat by force change... bad gal gal... heehee.
just had another steamboat(which maii sis tell mii fire pot) wif maii family, some cousins and an aunt. veri funny they made a lot of jokes then sae wan drink beer, 'bu zui bu san!!' lolx.. tat love blossoms show 2dae de last episode veri grand. take photos everywhere then everyone had babies...
tall mii if u wan. grey ones.
happi valentines dae to all maii family, cousins, pets, sisters, and the rest of the ppl in the world tats maii fwen.
special dedications to.....
1) my pet chippy and bibi, i love u guys for hu u r.
2) all maii sisters frm the
fwenship blog, all of u roxs, lets go out more!!
3) maii cousins: frm huimin to alicia to daphne to...etc..etc..
u guys r whom hu cheered mii up, made mii laugh, let mii smile and last of all, shared all the joys and sorrows wif mii! =D smiles!!
btw, 2dae's art lesson i tink made art seems easier. just take photos will do?? yeah!!
Date: Sunday, February 8, 2009
Time: 12:18 PM
suddenly i decide to blog bout maii cca.
ting i like bout sjab:
1) the cheers
2) the games(some only)
3) the juniors
ting i hate bout sjab:
1) everyting must shout de...
2) skool common tests not enough, must add one more sjab de
3) the forfeit aft games(they always tink up funny funny ones. demo la!!)
yst should hv went to sengkang swimming pool there wif mui peng and cherie. but all of us 4gt then nv go. so change to 2dae but suddenly, cherie nid go ppl hse celebrate cny, mp nid go ppl bdae party. so nv go again.
did maii art hw just now. all the drawing frm singapore river there. now typing the essay tat they wan. 350 words!!

yst maii cousin veri bad. i chatting on the phone wif cherie, she kept on mimicking wat i sae and asking mii: 'which guy u toking to? must b yor boyfwen wors!!' wth... then maii niece and nephew come le she focus all her attention on them. gd! can hv piece of mind le but wen i called maii fwen, mui peng de voice seems like shes busy, cherie bro sae she bathing. so i sleep. but maii niece kept on coming into the room: 'yiyiyiyi!! lai lai lai!!' (she calling mii to follow her.) wth...
then aft she finally calm down, i chat wif her. then maii nephew was outside the room doing stupid stunts(btw, maii niece 5 yr old, i dunno maii nephew how old but should b around 2) then he dance dance dance, knock into the wall. theni was like, staring at him, maii niece sae: 'ta mei shi de!!'(he ok de!!) then i went on toking to her. suddenly, waaaaaaaaaah!! maii nephew was crying outside cos his head gt a bump.
maii cousin sae i veri bad cos i sometimes see little children ' bu shun yan' i will bully them de like tat time i go someone hse i dunno hu the kid is, she tried sitting on maii lap, i dun let her, then she tried to tickle mii, i tickle her back until she fall down and cry. then i walk away sit and chat wif mp. her mother told her off for bullying mii.. ;) told you i hate stranger kids.. yeah!!
Date: Friday, February 6, 2009
Time: 7:01 PM
just reached home frm cca. 6:55pm reach home- wa lucky jasmine tis time, we finally can mit and go home tgt instead of going to skool tgt. nieghbours ma..same floor, just nx to each other, only cca different (media club and sjab)
then i wan to open the door, my sis open for mii. then first ting she tell mii: "sis, wo shou zhi duan diao."(sis maii finger broke) then she show mii the fat fat finger. [look like some toe instead..] then she continued: "wo zai cheerobics de shi hou nong duan de- zuo cartwheel bu xiao xin nong duan de."(i broke it at cheerobics, the time wen i did cartwheels.) then i tell her: "yao cure ma? wo qu zhao zen yang cure, wo st john you na ge...."(wan cure? i go find how, i gt the st john ting...) then she cut mii off: "bu yao la!!! deng xia mama hui lai ta dai wo qu kan yi sheng"(dun wan la!!! later mama come home will naturally bring mii to clinic checkup de..)
lolx? dun wan lo dun wan lo.. ish u wan join tat cheerobic nort maii fault. tell u dun join le still join. drama club can b a lot more fun. then if u can drop a psle aggregate- 200 to 199, u can join xinmin nia.. NA also nort so bad.. then can go to skool tgt, also gt the cca of yor dreams guzheng... bla bla... speaking of psle, it remind mii of alicia going to hv psle tis yr.. jiayou!! oo ya, hui min also gt o lovels tis yr. jia yous to the both of you yeah?? =)

2dae at st john all the new juniors came in. gt 15 instead of wat they tell mii gt 13.. they veri ma fan lo!! change in change out of full uniform and hse tee, then the whole toilet so crowded...
tmr tuition, and i dunno wat subject should i bring tmr. they so fast, maii skool so slow, then all chapters already overshot le maii class still at our first chapter. sianz... then the maths teacher teach, she always go one big round to explain tings. just sae straight to the point ma.. make mii so sleepy, lucky i gt home tutor for maths, if nort i tink tis yr i cant take A maths le. he made maths so easy like its just ABC but aft the long holidae break, most of the tings i all 4gten..
hahax.. ;D later i wan clean maii hammy cage le. but first, i wan eat dinner. =D yeah!!
Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Time: 6:46 PM
yst went to serangoon, cherie also went there cos she wan buy a 'easy-to-clean-cage' she lazy to clean her current ones. hahax. but the freaking shop tat we r going to, gt a lion dancing in front then its veri noisy cos of the drums, so we stayed and hide in another shop instead while waiting for the lion to go.. the hamsters in tat shop r cute!!

btw, the lion made tis in the middle of the pavement..

and i just realised(aft all tis while tat i own chippy and bibi) tat i had assigned colours to them.
pink: chippy
green: bibi
blue: they share

the pink 'scarf' for chippy, the ball is for bibi and the both of them can play, the cage the both can use.

tis is one of their towels. blue de. the both share de.

ok tis then ish their personal towel each but they veri irritating de. sometimes bibi go share towel wif chippy and sometimes vice versa. green for bibi, pink for chippy, and the blue ting containing the towels as shown in the pic ish their bathtub.

their cage: pink sandroom for chippy, green wheel and green small hse for bibi, special case: green big hse for chippy cos i cant find any pink ones for her. blue sofa they both love it, the rest they both can use lo..

tis is normally how i arrange the cage and the tings aroung it. i noe veri messy but is i last minute go arrange so nv so nice.. can u spot a basket, a mini hamster container and five keychains? the keychains r for decor purposes to make it look like its in the new yr mode..
sunday i go the floating platform, then the singapore flyer just nearby so i decided to just take its pic since all around mii were just decor big big lanterns, veri boring, i also dunno y i tell maii mama tat i wanted to tag along..

and 2dae i go cherie hse, her sweets so cute!! especially the penguin de..

i wan to shout tis out to cherie pang jie ru:
wa lou!! such a gd chance like tat miss!!u sae u wan yor revenge so long le still haven did, instead u just get angered more and more, just tell it to him, once and for all, u wan slap him. =D
cherie veri funny sia.. she tell mr faiz she can b physics rep: "aiya.. anyting lo" then, she now over here telling mii: "wa lou, i wan slap mr faiz sia..ask mii do so much ting then in the end 'gt more worse'(cherie noes wat i toking bout la. hors? ;D)"