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Have you ever
Heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?


This is simply JiaJi. Loving my Sisterhood forever. ^^ Someday, I'll be out there, leading a happy life, after all these hell. That is, if i even manage to survive. :D
Candy, Clover, Peach.
Tell me, someday, we'll have kisses in lullabies.




Name's Chippy.
Love her loads.
To watch the vid over again, click replay.

Name's Seedling.
To feed, Click anywhere.
To run the wheel, click the yellow ring.


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Editor: Bang-That-Love
Designer: Eunice
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Background: FivePointsApart
Date: Saturday, May 31, 2008
Time: 4:54 PM

i read a bk and saw tis quiz and found it veri wat...

which of the following tings will u agree to do if the prize were a million dollars?

♣shave ur head
♣roll around in dog poop
♣go bungee jumping
♣let a tatrantula crawl on u 4 five mins
♣remain silent 4 an entire month
♣go on a hunger strike for a wk
♣eat a live cockroach
♣blend a raw egg, onions, ketchup, orange juice & milk togethger and drink it
♣nv speak yo ur bestie again
♣walk naked down de hallway at skool
♣cut off ur sis's hair while shes sleeping.
♣spend a nite in a cemetery by urself
♣drink a whole bottle of olive oil
♣tell ur crush tat you're madly in luv wif him/ her
♣agree nt 2 drive till you're 30
♣get a tatoo on ur forehead
♣dress lyke a clown-nose and all- 4 a yr
♣spend a month on a deserted tropical island

giv urself 1 point to every scenario u agreed to.


u would luv 2 be rich, but u won't go to jus any lenghs 2 do so. hu would eat live bugs or lay down in dog poop? can u say gross?

a million dollars ishh really appealing, but there r some tings tat u jus cant bring urself 2 go through wif. but 4 five million, maybe...

whether u r crazy 4 cash or always up for a dare, u would trounce de competition in any contest of courage. de question ishh: wat would u buy 1st?

the end♥

Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Time: 9:57 AM

mui peng told me to do this...

name 20 people which you think of now
dont read the question until you have named the 20 people
at the end of this choose 5 people to do this.
2.mui peng
5.xiu zhen
8.jing wen
9.xiu wei
10.kay ying
11.yun qi
12.jia yi
13.siew hua
14.joanne tan
15.yun wei
16.li zhen
17.qian hui
18.siti seah
19.vevian( from tuition)
20.wen juan( from another tuition)

how did you meet 14?
fo tang!

what would you do if you never met 1?
maybe i will be besties with another ppl

what if 9&20 dated?
became lestbians? hahas

will 6&17 date?
nope nobody in my class could be so les.

describe 3.
cute and funny

is 8 attractive?
if she wans... :D

describe 7.
an SL, cute.

do u know any of 12's family members?
of course. her whole family! shes my neighbour...

what would you do if 18 confessses he/she likes you?
i dun tink she would ever do tat...

what language does 15 speak?
eng n chi... same as mii!

who is 9 going out with?
how would i noe?

how old is 16?
14 lo. classmates.

when was the last time you spoke to 13?
i wont even try- my greatest enemy!

(:would you ever date 4?
no way. only be besties. im not tat les. in fact, im not at all les.

would you date 1?
in wat way? friendship or love? i would nv date a bestie for love.

is 19 single?
maybe. i haven tok to her aft i quitted tat tuition. we lost contact. but i tink my mum is a fwen of her mum. i treat vevian as my bestie in pri 5.

what is 10 last name?

would you ever have a relationship with 11?
shes my sis... the irritating one! hahas just kidding...

school of 3?
Xinmin Secondary!

where does 16 live?
bedok- near cherie granma hrs

what is the favourite thing of 5?
dunno. try asking cherie, her bestie...

have you seen 2 naked?
almost... wen we went swimming, we go into a same cubicle and made a lot of noise as we almost seen each other naked... diao...

i have chosen=)
jing wen
shu xian
xiu wei
( copy and paste tis quiz to ur own blog.)

Date: Friday, May 23, 2008
Time: 10:53 PM

FAKE FRiENDS: Never ask for food.
REAl FRiENDS: are the reason you have no food.

FAKE FRiENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
REAl FRiENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM

FAKE FRiENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
REAl FRiENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we fcuked up ... but that shit was fun!"

FAKE FRiENDS: never seen you cry.
REAl FRiENDS: cry with you

FAKE FRiENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
REAl FRiENDS: keep your shit so long they forget its yours.

FAKE FRiENDS: know a few things about you.
REAl FRiENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.

FAKE FRiENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
REAl FRiENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.

FAKE FRiENDS: Would knock on your front door.
REAl FRiENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"

FAKE FRiENDS: Are for awhile.
REAl FRiENDS: Are for life.

FAKE FRiENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
REAl FRiENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "Bitch drink the rest of that you know we don't waste shit."

FAKE FRiENDS: will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you.
REAl FRiENDS: Will knock them the fcuk out

FAKE FRiENDS: Would ignore this
REAl FRiENDS: Will send this to all there real frien

Time: 9:59 PM

gt report bk back. its veri annoying i almost got top in class.the conbined grades, i gt three 4s, two 2s, two 5s and one 1 only. wah lou science just one more mark can band one le. stupid.
1st in class: belinda (she so gd!!!)
2nd in class: li zhen (lucky gurl...)
3rd in class:mii ( wanna get top in class!)
4th in class: samantha (stop saying tat u 'hate'mii. u veri gd also)
5th in class: qian hui ( :D gd luck!)

so... st john ishh sometimes wasting my time. cannot do my h/w in time whenever gt cca. wats the cca's main point? a while tis, a while tat... cant let mii focus on just one simple ting? so mani subject to focus on is already too much.

mui peng! wen start tuition ah? if gt tuition, i realli dun wan under teacher sherry. teacher jasmine... yay! teacher sherry hor... tuition four hours, she stay us in for five hours. without break. others still okay lo! 
just now play badminton wif my neighbour. hahax.

video of rusty doing tricks...

cute pics...


Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Time: 9:57 PM

tis gonna kill... cca must wear full uniform tis friday!!! i hate the uniform. espiacially the black shoes. standing in the sun with them on made my feet feel tat they were on fire!!! hate it.
hate the st john day as well. i in the class wearing the uniform, i feel i veri odd. plus joan quited.
i wan to quit! i dun dare sae!
i tink preparing the uniform is veri veri veri mafan. 1st the badges, make sure shoes polished well...
oh man... wen can tis stop?

the photos
she's lucky to dodge the camera in time...

whos behind the towel?!?
zeezee's drinking the water!
she's taking a short walk.
cute pic

the end♥

Date: Monday, May 19, 2008
Time: 1:52 PM

HAPPI VESAK DAE to all buddists in the world.
and sry as well. i forgot it was vesak dae and i feed some tortoises wif some mealworms. sry...
went to jurong swimmig pool for our rare family day yesterdae. so fun. but too far and too late. it was nite time. 6 to 8 pm ba.
and share... i tink u would like tis video.
cos its full of cruel tortoises. but is weird tat u can own hamster not tortoise. tortoises r alot more easier to take care.
plus, i put the video here not to show how the worm died but to show how terrapins catch their prey.( k. tat prey is easy but they had to snatch!)

the end♥

Date: Saturday, May 17, 2008
Time: 3:08 PM

phew!!! back from the CPN. just finished bathing, eating and bathing my hamsters. my bro now wanna go downstairs ride bicycle, maybe go see our residental's garden plants we just planted, or maybe he go his fwen hrs. if he gt go his fwen hrs, i wan to go too!!!

the CPN daytime damn hot nitetime damn cold. 27 degree celsius of aircon still so cold. second ting. wen all the lights are out, its veri dark and i hate it. cant see my hands and wen i wanna sleep, nobody off the lights and i dun dare so in the end sleep with lights on. wake up at five, pack and wash till seven...

wen is my little chippy going to give birth? ive been waiting for more than two months le and still no pink wriggly creatures in the cage. monday, i wan to visit bilah the kitty. speaking of kitties, there was a lot of those at the changi chalet. some veri nice and there was one hu suddenly appear outside our chalet and we fed it some leftovers. so cute.


the end!♥

Date: Thursday, May 15, 2008
Time: 10:06 PM

yay!!! all my subjects passed!!! literature is the worst and i almost gotta treat cherie bubble tea. her literature more pro tan mii. so no nid le! fair and square. my literature only gt a stupid 26/50, pass by one mark only. sigh... nv mind. literature nt tat important. plus i hate it. hate the cher as well. dunno wat is toking.

now, i feel like putting all wat i tink bout my cca, all in one post.

its hell to me. especially during training camp. b4 every activity, i will feel really scared. i hated the attire check as well. little bit make until like the world gonna drop bcos of mii. it was like an escaped hungry lion, staring at u, just a few metres away. look like about to pouce on u any time.
stand in the parade square... aiya! gt ant, gt mosqitoe. itchy! cannot do anyting, cannot scratch, wan to move must ask permisson. like we are their robots. say cannot, cannot. say do tis. do tis. our boss ah?
the ting i find funny is wen the senior shout the 'normal shouts'.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, owe mii 1, owe mii 2, owe mii 3, (and so on), owe mii 14, owe mii 15. (den everybody just gt ready.) pumping position( the funny funny excercise), DOWN! then everybody listen to the bossy boss. really go down to pumping position. then, someone will shout. 1, 2!then everybody will shout, permisson to carry on blah blah. tis is wen i tink: if even wan to get punish must ask permisson, might as well dun do. the posture looks funny. tats y i say its a funny funny excercise. wen the senior say carry on, someone will shout, DOWN! then every body do one pumping. 1, blah blah(watever the punisher's rank is). then and so on. do untill fifteen le. someone will shout, 1, 2!!! and everyone will shout ... aiya. no nid to say also noe la... i just find their sequeces funny. always the same, cannot change to better sounding one. hahas.

another ting nided to hahaha is the commands. especially the long long one. noko noko buzi nunu lala... all tos funny un- understandable words used. malay words ba. y cannot chinese word? singapore more chinese. :)

the cca tink they veri gd, i tink veri funny. gd 4 heeheehees! join uniform grp's gd side: can laugh at them secretly with ur fwens. bad side: hv to tahan the funny funny tings for some yrs... hahas!

the end!♥

Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Time: 8:59 PM

a enjoy camp in changi chalet for st john tis fridae.

and, i gt only 56/80 for eng paper two and i wan it to be higher! 4 more marks then can hv 60 le. stupid careless mistakes. i like every test mus hv careless mistake at least 5 times one. last time pri skool, gt one test , all mistakes were due to the stupid and sickening careless mistakes.

share will confirm more pro then mii for hist one. a lot of ppl fail, then she must be one of those lucky ppl hu pass as for mii, it will be my first failure for tis yr's mid yr cos i so far no subject fail. the sure fail subject r D&T, hist and literature. literature, i realli confirm fail as the question they give, i nv studii, the rest all giv ans le. share still dun believe tat those 3 subjects she will more pro she say if she more pro, she treat mii bubble tea.(hahas.) if not she mus take the dare i setted for her.( heehee).

samantha say i sci whole class highest but i dun tink so. only 78 say highest? so far im nt veri happi wif the stupid results. the chinese paper one, two and three, my maths... onli get around 60 to 70 plus and i should hv gt higher. a mistake, a terrible mistake tat i hate most is my sci paper ishh about the five characteristics of a mirror, i go and put

(nt in order)


2) verically opposite

3) same size

4) laterally inverted

5) as far as the object in front of it

and the number two there should had been upright. a straight forward and easy to rmb word. made mii lost one mark. :(

must studii more for the end of yr!!! =)

share, u veri pro one. everyone noes tat.;)

the end!♥

Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Time: 8:23 PM

i found zeezee on the way home from skool yesterdae.
she was tis really cute and gentle and social kitten which i cant resist to take home.
the sad ting was, my mum dun allow mii to kip the kitty and i ended up kiping it downstairs. then todae, its lost.
cant find it!!!
nv mind. use tis time to find it a gd home. a cute social kitten anyone? just leave its mummy i tink. i nx time then show u the pics, including the swimming one. :)

the end!♥

Date: Saturday, May 10, 2008
Time: 5:06 PM

went to yio chu kang swimming pool to swim todae. wif share, mui peng and her bro. gt a lot of photos! but the wire connecting my hp and comp lost. so cannot connect. next time ba! i gt a lot of pics of share. but mui peng veri difficult to catch.

the middle pool is the warmest. we played fetch the keys. we take turns throwing the keys, the next player fetch it. dog swimming is veri hard to swim far. dunno how dogs can use tat to swim... its a realli fun dae.

after we swim, we go hougang mall eat instead of juntion 8 as i 4gt to bring my ezlink card. take bus 72 most suitable. then we go play wif some swings nearby then share and her bro go home, mui peng and i go my hrs, we played the comp, then she went home. i continue playing for a while, which is wat i am doing now, later then bath fully through. :)

the end!♀♦♥

Date: Friday, May 9, 2008
Time: 1:54 PM

k. new blog. i accidentally delete the other one wen i wan to delete tis one.
so sad lo! lost all my previous posts.
but luckily after exams le. gt plenty of time to redo :)
from tis, i noe. having just one blog, will be a lot more simplier.

todae gt the wat talent development tok at skool. more like bo liao development tok!!! realli can make ppl develop bo-liao-ness one. i prefer exams or even go tuition for a week, continuosly, non-stop, just dun let me attend the tok. and, mondae, also gt post exam tingy. hate it. 2morow goin swimming pool wif share, her bro and mui peng. share and mui peng damn chio and share is veri cute in her costume. maybii i can sucessfully secretly take their chio photo and post. hahas .kidin

new hammy photos to enjoy...

in a ball

poking a head out
luv the smaller cage?

caught escaping!
sitting on a sofa

sleeping in the sand


share the chio bu also take photo of herself...

spot the differences (the 1st one share hp edit one, the 2nd one my hp edit one)

the end!♀♦♥